Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ask Me Questions!

I thought I would never actually do this, as it always seemed a little on the scary side, (in more ways than one,) but I've seen it going around again, this "ask me questions" thing... and so I decided it would be a fun thing to attempt for this week of celebrating my blog's birthday. 

And so I give you the floor (aka the comments section) now to ask me anything (but be nice)! After five years, what's left to learn, I'm not sure, but I have faith you all can figure out something! Please? I don't want to hear that cricket sound with this post. You be brave and ask, and I'll be brave and answer! Look for the answers to all the questions in a post on Friday. 

If you don't ask me questions, perhaps I'll have to resort to asking myself some questions and that could be just plain creepy.


  1. Okay here's one for you.
    What book did you hate at the beginning but persevered and loved in the end? I read The Zookeeper's Wife and the first 59 pages were an information dump and only kept reading because it was chosen by my book club. The book ended up being very interesting with lots of tense moments.

  2. I have some questions about book club if thats ok? I know you have a successful book club. I started one about 6 months ago and it continues to falter. How do you get people interested and coming? How do you choose books?

  3. This is a really dumb question, but it's what's on my mind right now. How do you feel about Daylight Saving Time? Are you a supporter or a hater?

  4. I want to know how you and your husband met :) Nothing like a real-life love story!

  5. I have a couple blogging related ones...
    How do you stay motivated/keep your blogging fun after doing it for so long?
    How do you decide when you need to switch something up on the blog? (It could be anything - layout, the way you do reviews, the types of posts you do)

  6. If you could be any character from a book who would you be and why?

  7. Dang it - Page took my question! *L*

    Um....if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? Kidding! Let's say that there's a worldwide book shortage and they have to ration books....which author would you spend your ration coupons on?

  8. What is new and exciting in the lives of your college aged kids?

  9. I'm with Melissa! I've been meaning to get you to tell me that story. So spill. ;)

  10. What are some of the blogging highlights that you've experienced in the past five years? :)

  11. If you were a nonfiction book, which one would you be?

  12. Since the "How did you meet?" question has already been asked, how about your funniest/most embarrassing Mommy moment? Those are always good for a laugh. Plus, they make me feel better about all my Mommy missteps :)

  13. Where's your favorite place for a family vacation? Have you ever found any great out-of-the-way spots (i.e. not tourist traps) that you've just loved?

  14. I want to know about your "second." I mean, I know that Markus Zusak has the number one place in your book-loving heart, but who is second? And maybe add in your third and fourth. :)

  15. I'm loving all these questions everyone!!! Thanks so much. I can't wait to write an answer post... Friday! Oh boy, it's going to take me awhile....

  16. Is it too late to ask another question? (And hopefully I can I ask two!) So I read in your "Why I Blog" meme that Suey is your real nickname that everyone in the blogging world knows you by (and that you never really liked, but I like how it's so unique!) but I'm wondering what name you go by with your everyday friends and acquaintances?
