Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Sunday Salon: Back to Regularly Scheduled Programming!

It's been a fun week celebrating five years. I decided to go all out (well sort of I guess) for this one so hopefully you didn't too sick of the celebrating! Here's what I posted this week if you missed it:

Your Questions: Answered 
My Blogging Timeline
Why I Blog Meme

And congratulations again to my giveaway winners! Your books will be on their way tomorrow!

Here's what else is going on with me:

Outside my window: Snow!

I am listening to: The kids are blasting various songs on YouTube at the moment. 

Song of the week: Another blast from the past... Lucky Man by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. This song tells a story that gives me chills in the end.


TV Talk: We are down to the final 10 in American Idol. I enjoy most of them, but haven't really zeroed in on one to totally root for. Survivor was fun with a nice tribe shake up. I've decided I really like the guy named Jay. You know the one? I caught up with Once Upon a Time this week and wow... THAT was a shocking episode, yes? Who's REALLY the big bad wolf and all? I haven't caught up with the latest Vampire Diaries yet, but I did have a discussion in church about it! :) I haven't found time for much Netflix shows lately, just trying to keep up with the live shows is enough for now.

Reading Report: 
Books Finished:  Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley,  Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen
Books Started: The Hollow City by Dan Wells (actually I haven't quite started, but will today!)
Books Up Next: A couple of local author books that I said I'd do a blog tour for... and The Wise Man's Fear just keeps getting pushed and pushed to the bottom still!

I am thinking: that I should NOT have bought those peanut M and M's this week! OR the chocolate peanut butter Tillamook ice cream!

I'm grateful for: certain library perks, like first in line for an ARC! 

Around the house: we bought a supply of TP this week, oh, and meat too.... using our Costco reward check. That was fun. We wonder how long the TP will last! 

Recipe of the Week: The only really interesting/different thing I made this week was Cream of Asparagus Soup. But I feel that cookies might happen today because we've managed to go for several Sunday evenings without cookies, so maybe it will be okay if we make some tonight. Please?

Favorite things of the week: going to see Dan Wells at the library, having a book club discussion there, and ending up with an ARC of his next book out in July, going to see Brandon Mull's fun launch party, going to see the movie John Carter at the IMAX theater, going out to eat twice this weekend, cleaning the birdcage outside in 70 degree weather, driving with rolled down windows, seeing what a caucus meeting was like

Family Matters: One college kid was home for spring break this week, so that was fun. Well, he was home some of the time anyway! Another kid is deep into tennis now. We had to get a doctor release form signed, so that was a bit of pain, but I think it happened. The other college kid is stressing about her major, because she needs to decide so she can sign up for next semester's classes! And then there's the baby who ends up having lots of mom and dad time since everyone else is never here! Is that a perk of being the baby, or not? 

The coming week: HUNGER GAMES! Midnight movie this Thursday! With blogging buddies! And sisters! And daughters! So excited. Also, I'll be going to a musical, Beauty and the Beast on Wednesday. Love that one. There's a beast to prince transformation right before your very eyes! So. Much. Fun! Bloggiesta is only two weeks away! Are you ready? Have you made your to do list? You can still sign up here. And this week here on the blog? Back to some reviews and stuff! I have some catching up to do!


  1. There is always so much going on with you! Fun! I am glad you enjoyed your blogiversary week. It was a great idea! I hope you have a great week because it seems you have lots of great things in store. :)

    1. Kailana: Thanks! Yes, it's going to be a fun one I think!

  2. If you have college kids shopping from your pantry I doubt that TP will last long. ;)

    Being there when you got that ARC was awesome! And even more so because I get to read it too! YAY!!!! So excited.

    How was John Carter, btw?

    1. Jenny: Just sent you an email about the ARC. You have to read it ASAP and then we have to talk. Oh my gosh.

  3. mmmm, tillamook ice cream.

    and yay Hunger Games! with school testing this week, we have to wait 'til after school friday..still, very ready already!!


    1. L: And even though I'm seeing it at midnight, my guess is I'll be taking kids and/or other family to it later on too... because I'm sure I won't mind seeing it a couple of times! :)

  4. I think it almost hysterical that all these mothers of teenagers are so super excited for Hunger Games. except I would be one of them.

    1. Care: You are excited? Did you read the books then?

  5. Well, I had finally settled on Erika on American Idol and even bothered to vote. Look where that got her - the rest will probably hope I don't like them! Cream of asparagus soup sounds great; my hubby just bought some asparagus so I'm going to have to give that a try.
