Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bloggiesta Update: Part One

So here I am, trying out Windows Live Writer as was suggested by Jacinda of The Reading Housewives in her awesome mini challenge post. She has some very convincing arguments for using this program. But I’m not going to commit yet! I will need to play with it and use it for awhile to be totally convinced! So, let’s so how it works for me as I give you a Bloggiesta update!
So here’s what’s been going on with me so far:
  • I’ve updated much of my review archives, but am not quite done yet.  Wait! I AM done after all!
  • I’ve figured out code for social media icons (thanks to Jenni Elyse,) but haven’t been able to put them on my blog because something is wrong and it won’t let me! I can’t add a gadget.
  • I’ve led a Bloggiesta chat!
  • I’ve commented on lots of starting post blogs.
  • I’ve hung out on Twitter more than ever before in my life I think.
  • I updated my blog roll
  • I’ve added some stars to a review, and learned how to add html for star ratings.
  • I’ve been updating Pages… but I deleted a whole bunch of work there and have to start over. :(
  • I’ve tried out to see if I can get blog posts automatically sent to Twitter.
Anyway, that’s what's been going on around here so far. And, in order to keep trying out this Live Writer thing. I’m going to add some pictures and play around a bit and then post it. Okay? Okay!
With Live Writer I can make a table!
Something I’ve wanted… …. to do many times!
And here’s embedding YouTube from here instead of using the html code:
Really love Colton… anyone else?
What can I do with pictures? Let’s find out…..
DSCN5239 DSCN5246 DSCN5257DSCN5243
Well, that was fun. Hmmm…. I think I’ll give this thing a go! But there’s lots to figure out still! Ah my spinning head!!


  1. I looked into using Windows Live Writer and was completely overwhelmed. I need to go back and play around with it one day when I have nothing else to do. At least I found out what it was all about.

    It looks like you've gotten quite a bit done so far. I just created my review policy and have spent the day alternating between writing reviews and cleaning up my google reader.

    Good luck with WLR!!!

  2. Whoa - above my interest level, I do believe. I'm trying to find that category/tagging minichallenge.. off I go, just stopping to say hello!

  3. Opps.. so what happened to my spaces. I swear I had spaces in there....

  4. Looks fun to me. I like what you can do with pictures.

    1. Jenny; I've got to learn the pictures better still, that's for sure.

  5. When you say it won't let you add a gadget, do you mean the spot where it says add a gadget isn't appearing? If so I know how to fix that. Email me if that's the problem and I'll try to explain it.

    1. Kathleen: thanks, but I got it figured out... it was just Chrome not cooperating I think. But.. I did it now!

  6. It showed up in twitter!! I have used WLW since I started blogging and love it.

    1. Hillary: I totally forgot to check if my automatic thing worked! I actually tweeted this post myself, so now... did you see mine? Or the automatic one? :)

  7. You have boon busy! I got caught up in side bar clean up, wiped one out and now trying to restore them...LOL

    1. Sheila: Yeah, I wiped all the fixes I did on a page, but now it's fixed to! Ugh! How fun is this!! :)

  8. Yay! I'm so glad you like the social media buttons! And, I'm glad we were able to get them to work, especially that pesky RSS one.

    Great job on hosting by the way. You and Danielle are doing awesome! And, I've wanted to comment on your posts all weekend, but I'm having such a hard time getting everything done that I want to what with Conference and EVERYTHING, lol. Anyway, Good job!!!

    1. Jenni: thanks so much! And I love the buttons!

  9. I've gotten a lot done, although there are some things that are beyond my level of

    Anything with code that isn't simply copying and pasting...well, I'm not there yet.

    I did a lot of changes at Curl up and Read...and then went over to my two Blogger sites and created pages. Something I've always wanted to do!

    Great job keeping the party going!

    1. Laurel: I'm the same with code... I can handle copy and paste, and that's about it!

  10. i love windows live writer, especially because you can change the fonts there (which i love to do, but apparently it made it hard for my readers to you know actually read) so no more font change. congrats on so many different things being done!!

    1. Aisha: Yeah! To be able to read it is good! It will take me awhile I think to understand this program fully. It scares me a little.

  11. I'm so happy you are trying out WLW! Let me know if you have any questions...even if it's small one :)

    1. Jacinda: I'm sure I'll have questions! Thanks for your help!

  12. I WAS AT MARKUS ZUSAK SIGNING TOO!! I wish I had known you back then. We could have hung out!

    1. Ah Kami! Wasn't he the very best EVER??? :) We were right at the front of that huge line, but hung out with everyone for hours afterwards. So much fun!

  13. Wow! You've got a lot done. I've been busy writing and scheduling reviews and starting to update my review log. It's a bigger project than I thought. Will probably be working on it for the next month or so. But, the important thing is I'm getting caught up on reviews!

    1. Shonda: I've only been doing the sort of easy things. Left the hard ones for last! Ugh!

  14. When you use Live Writer you can have your posts automatically sent to twitter, no need for a third party software.
    It seems there are a lot of Live Writer fans out there now, :).

  15. Awesome job so far! I think I've hung out on twitter more this weekend than I have in months altogether.Your social media buttons look good to!

  16. Wow -- great job!!!
    I can't use WLW. I can't remember what I did to make my posts go to Twitter, but they do.
    Bloggiesta has been so much fun. Thanks for hosting!

  17. Great job! Looks like you're being productive in between all of your hosting duties! I've completed several of my smaller goals, now need to start doing some of the big, scary ones. :)

  18. Wow, you've accomplished a lot!!! I didn't officially participate this time, but I did an honorary freshening up of my blog's look for spring. :D

  19. Thanks for hosting Bloggiesta! Even though I'm not a book blogger, setting up a to-do list and participating in mini-challenges has been a great learning exercise for me, and my blog is so much better.

  20. Great that you've gotten so many things done! I wish I had more things checked off my list, but at least I've gotten a couple:D

    Thanks for hosting! :)

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  21. Yay on trying out WLW! I've been using it for about 2 years now and I absolutely love it. It was a lot to take in at first but it makes blogging easier and more fun. If you have any questions about WLW, feel free to hit me up :)

  22. Oh my, this looks like fun! But I think I've pushed myself as much as I can this weekend, I think. Can't wait to see what else you figure out.

  23. Awesome, awesome job! I agree with you ... I think I've hung out on Twitter way too much this weekend, but it was fun participating in all of the chats!

    You did a really good job on your list! I can't wait to participate in September. :)
