Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Sunday Salon: One Week Down!

My thoughts on the week, for what it's worth:

Outside my window: Very gray and deary, and you know, we had some snow flurries today and yesterday! What's up with that? Is it winter or something?

I am listening to: That James Durbin song I posted yesterday... May. Love it. But just before that I was watching Downton Abbey. I have one more episode to watch, and I'll be ready to watch the second season which starts tonight.

Song of the week: Besides the one linked to above, I don't have much. I have been searching for Zumba routines on YouTube and in the process have come across Zumba songs that I really like. For instance there's this one that is pretty much just pure percussion. Very fun if you're in the mood for something full of drums and such!

TV Talk: Vampire Diaries is BACK!! What an intense show. And the end? Oh. My. Word. Whew. (You can watch it... again... right here, if you want... and you know you do.) It's been fun to catch up with Downton Abbey finally. What a soap opera that is! I'm looking forward to watching more Once Upon a Time tonight too. That's about all (ha "all") the TV I did this week.

Reading Report
Books currently reading: Spent more time with Inheritance these past few days.
Books I've finished: Didn't finish anything this week.
Books I've started: Started reading Persuasion for the Classics Challenge.
Books I want to start: Got Cinder from Amazon yesterday. It'd be nice to read that.(Going to a signing on Thursday for that one.) And on Tuesday, I'll be reading John Green's book, assuming it actually comes on the day it's released. We'll see. (Dang, why is there no signing to go to for THAT one? Huh? Let's get John Green here people!)

I am thinking: that early church, though hard to get up for, is actually not bad at all.

I am grateful for: my new bed! Still, every night when I lay down, I think...."ahhhhh." :)

What I learned this week: that even thought big kids want to move and be on their own, they still like to come and just be home. I really like that.

Around the house: Christmas got all put away on Wednesday. That felt really good. It  always seems so bare and boring afterwards though, you know? Anyway, I think I can say things are pretty clean around here. You know, sort of, anyway.

Recipe of the week: I made split pea soup in the crock pot with the ham bone from Christmas. Is that worth mentioning? The recipe is just throw in the peas, the bone, the water, some spices, chopped up carrots, potatoes and onions, and let it cook all day. We have tons of leftovers which no one is eating. I guess that will be dinner tomorrow.

Favorite things of the week: Going to a movie on Friday night while all the kids were otherwise occupied. That was fun. Getting back into sort of a routine was good. (The routine still isn't totally normal yet though.) Doing Zumba, on my own, using YouTube videos, has been very fun.

Family matters: Getting the big kids moved out was a big family thing of this past week. Yesterday we had two gigs to go to for one kid. He did an awesome job. Another kid had a field trip on Friday and that was a fun day too.

Things discussed: There was lots of talk at this house this past week about adjusting to new situations, roommates, and how after time, the awkwardness gets over.... usually.  And how you have to just jump in and do stuff in order to find your place.

Things I hope to accomplish in the coming week: Going to see Marissa Meyer on Thursday, and there's a possibility of going to see Haven Kimmel on Saturday. That is, if we don't take off for a weekend getaway, which would be fun too. I would like to install our new Photoshop and play with that. Also, I want to keep working on blog organization, generally. I need to read more. Yes. Seriously. I do.

The Blog Report: Let's see, I did a couple of reviews this week. I listed my goals back on Monday, and I talked about reading with music or not. Reading WITHOUT music wins! What?

How was your week?


  1. Once Upon a Time got interrupted by football. I didn't want to watch it after it had been on for a while so will have to wait... So disappointing! I waited all day! (Well, and all the weeks it was off, too..)

  2. Definitely having those big kids find their way back home is one of the highlights of being a parent! My oldest is actually thinking of moving back home - I'm surprisingly looking forward to it--I may be more than just a mom but my identity is very much tied into that role!

  3. I'm glad to see you're sticking with Inheritance.

    I have the same church schedule and I HATE getting up that early, but it IS kinda nice having the rest of the day to do whatever.

    I'm glad you're liking your new bed. There's nothing as nice as having a soft comfy bed.

    What movie did you see?

    K, I REALLY want to go the the Haven Kimmel thing too. I'll have to look into it more. I didn't know it was this weekend. Gah!

  4. Life just moves at mach-speed doesn't it?? One day those kiddos are babies and now they're making those adult decisions and dealing with them, whether they want to or not. Love it AND dread it. Surprisingly, I miss many of those days. I am loving it that your kiddos keep you so involved.

    Even the Young Singles ward that we are assigned to moved their time from 1pm to 11am. Now I have 2 more hours in the afternoon. Yum!!

    Find time for reading?? It's actually hard to squish in one more thing, but I live for it.

    Have a great week.

  5. There was (is?) a John Green event in my area, and I CAN'T GO!! Seriously, we get an author you don't and I can't even manage to get there. Ugh.

  6. Kelly: Dang, that's frustrating!

    Lisa: Yes, that is very much my identity too.

    Jenny: We saw War Horse and soon I'll have a little mini review up, I hope. We need tickets for Haven Kimmel, so I hope there are some left. I was just going to ask about it when we go on Thursday.

    Inside: I miss the little kid days, and you miss the college years days... so that tells me I really need to enjoy these college years days before they are over and I'll be wishing for my college kids back once they become parents... right?

    Melissa: Oh. My. Word!!! You gotta go!!! Figure it out somehow and go and give us a FULL report! ARGHHH!!! You can't miss this one! Oh my, I'm freaking out here....
