Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Thanks for the Weekend

Wow, what the weekend, eh? I've taking a couple of blogging days off and now I'm forcing myself to do this post to hopefully help me get back into things. Not feeling the motivation at all lately. :(

Outside my window: The weather these past few days... just wow. Amazingly beautiful. Right now, cold and clear out my window late this Saturday night. The days have been perfect. PERFECT I tell you!

I am listening to: 30 Seconds to Mars at the moment, trying to decide what I think of them. That Kings and Queens song is pretty cool, one of their most popular ones I'm guessing. Ummm... some screamy songs too though.

Song of the week: Just discovered this one and have been loving it:

TV Talk: Not much TV this week, but a couple of movies to report. I went to Breaking Dawn yesterday with the sisters and that was fun. The movie was much better than I expected. Quite intense actually. I enjoyed it just fine despite a few really cheesy parts. What's with the cheese guys? Anyway, I look forward to the final installment! Then today we went to see Hugo, which I thought was wonderful. Some will think it's slow, but I thought it was beautifully done, though I have much love for the book, so that may have factored into it.

Reading Report
Books I've finished: Just finished The Night Circus and let's just say I agree with the buzz and hype. Wow. Awesome book. LOVED it.
Books I've started: Still working The Path of Daggers. Yes, I will plug along.
Books I want to start: Still wanting to start Inheritance.

Gosh these weekly reports make me realize how much my reading doesn't progress sometimes at all. How pathetic.

I am grateful for: how fun the weekend was and mostly relaxing. I stress about accomplishing shopping, but that's only because I feel surrounded by crazy shoppers, or something. So I wish I could have made progress on that a little, but oh, well. I am grateful for having all kids home this weekend! That has been wonderful.

What I learned this week: Even if you expect a crowd for Thanksgiving, don't do too many stuffed celery things. Wow, what do I do with THOSE yucky old leftovers!??

Around the house: lights are up on the house. Tomorrow we'll work on the tree and the other decorations. So wish me luck with that! Oh, and it took me three full days to get laundry done. That was not fun.

Recipe of the Week: no recipes to share this week. I have not cooked at all really. Must get back to that this week! But it's been a nice break. Oh, my husband made me try some sushi this yesterday. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be but I was not converted to it and I just don't get the point. (They weren't the roll things, but ones that looked like this:)

Favorite things of the week: all kids home as mentioned, some movie attendance as mentioned, The Night Circus as mentioned, lots and lots of sleeping in

Family Matters: Kid 1 may have found a place to move out to, Kid 2 has been doing homework all weekend it seems, Kid 3 got a speeding ticket, (shhh don't tell anyone) though he was hardly speeding at all, Kid 4 went to a friend's house today and filmed a movie for a school project and is now deeply into editing it. Oh, and she also got a new violin, full size finally!

Things we discussed at home this week: the randomness of speeding tickets, violins, movies, Christmas lists, shopping, and I don't remember what else.

Things I hope to accomplish this week: just please let me get going on Christmas stuff!!

The Blog Report: I picked some authors to feast with, I listed stuff I'm thankful for, and justified my reading, and reported on book club.


  1. I don't like sashimi. You should get some rolls next time. I recommend spider rolls. They're my favorite.

  2. For me I am not having such a bad time blogging, but reading is not going anywhere for me lately...

  3. I used to really like 30 Seconds to Mars but everything they do kind of sounds the same now and I'm not as fond any more. Sounds like you've had a great weekend! I'd really like to see HUGO but I'm not sure I can get anyone else to go with me :-(

  4. What's with finding the motivations to read and blog? I'm thinking it's the holidays. Ugh!

    I really want to see Hugo but I haven't read the books. Think it matters?

    I'll come eat your celery. ;)

    I'm not decorating till Saturday. Of course the longer you wait to decorate the less time it's out and then I wonder if it was even worth it.

    I will NEVER try sushi and as I'm allergic to shellfish so some is just out.

  5. Rachel... I doubt I'll actually like those either.

    Kailana... yeah, I don't know what's going one. A strange low for me right now.

    Lisa... I hope you find someone to go with!

    Jenny: No it won't matter at all about Huge. Go see it! And I'm chucking the celery, it's disgusting now!

  6. looking forward to Hugo, more for Scorsese than the book. Natalya saw and said it was wonderful, too. first, my movie money goes to The Muppets (waiting for the husband to get back in town).

    Natalya (11) went straight into a full size violin, which surprised everyone (long limbs/fingers?). anyway, it is tricky to haul on a bicycle. but we love it, even the screeching; though I will be glad to get the holiday concert past.

