Thursday, November 24, 2011

Stuff I'm Thankful For

Because it's Thanksgiving here in the US, I will now share with you a list.... a very random list.

I'm thankful for:

-- authors who aren't scared to put themselves out on paper and share it with the rest of us to ponder of, argue about, and sometimes tear to pieces.

-- authors who take the time to come out of their comfort zone and meet with fans

-- the fact that I will never ever run out of books to read.

-- health, something I'm realizing more and more is not to be taken for granted and is quite an usual thing to have.

-- chocolate in all its many forms.

-- music in all ITS many forms!

-- a warm house and quilts to snuggle up in when it's blustery outside, and a switch I can flip to cool things off when it's stifling outside.

-- those annoying, irritating animals we call pets who somehow seem to always make us smile and bring a sense of grounding to our lives.

-- libraries... may they never go out of fashion.

-- leisure time, so I can pursue random trivial pursuits that only exist to make me happy.

-- stories in all its many forms....including TV.

-- everyone who comments here and talks to me on Twitter... so that I don't feel too invisible.

-- family and friends of course!

-- warm water in showers.

-- milk

-- all sorts of other food stuffs

-- modern day appliances

-- gadgety things that are fun to play with

-- ice

-- and so so many other things!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the day and don't go shopping until Friday so that stores will FAIL on Thursday night and re-think their strategy!


  1. Great list of things to be thankful for, and I agree with all of them except milk (blech)! :)

    I am refusing to go to any of the stores opening today or at midnight, as it's not fair to the employees. Hope they go back to the 6am openings, but doubt that will happen.

    Happy T-Day!

  2. I am thankful for libraries, too. Happy Thanksgiving, Suey!

  3. "(T)he fact that I will never ever run out of books to read"--I used to worry about that, but not any more :-). Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Love this post for so many different reasons! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And, just FYI ... I am not shopping at all this weekend! I've decided to just stay home, spend time with my family, and READ! :)

  5. Amen to milk! I hit the 10:00 sale at Walmart. Sorry. :( I didn't even get what I wanted and ended up just buying cat food. LOL!
