Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR Books

So this week the list prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish is awfully similar to the list I did a couple of weeks ago for my freebie. Then I did Top Ten TBR books, and now it's Top Ten Fall TBR books, which, technically, could be the same list. But since my TBR list is really never ending, I'll make yet another Top Ten TBR list that doesn't include any books from the first list and are books that I hope to read next... after that first list. For the most part anyway. Whew. Make sense?

Top Ten Fall TBR Books

(Books that are coming out)

1. Crossed by Ally Condie
2. The Death Cure by James Dashner
3. The Fox Inheritance by Mary Pearson
4. All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin

(Books for book club)

5. Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
6. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (a re-read) by Betty Smith

(The ongoing quest)

7. The Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan

(For RIP perhaps)

8. Overbite by Meg Cabot
9. Kiss Me Kill Me by Lauren Henderson

(Finally just one sitting here... waiting waiting waiting!)

10. Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson

And once again I ask, have you read any of these that you think I should really REALLY concentrate on and push to the very very top?


  1. I don't know how I overlooked the books for book club. I'm going to have to squish them in somewhere. And I still want to read Under the Dome but I'm getting overwhelmed. BTW, Odd Thomas would be a great one for RIP. It's pretty freaky.

  2. The Fox Inheritance has piqued my interest.

  3. I haven't read any on your list, but some sounds good.

    I didn't include book club books. I probably should have.

  4. I've got to get those first four books too! And you'll love Ella Minnow Pea :)

  5. I'll put off whatever I'm reading at the time to read Crossed when it comes out, lol. :)

  6. I just recently read Ella Minnow Pea and enjoyed it.

  7. "Crossed" by Ally Condie, "Tuesdays at the Castle" by Jessica Day George, and whatever book group picks come along

  8. I see your book club is reading my all time favorite book - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn :)
