Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Nothing Much

Outside my window: Cool and breezy and sunny. I love it. It was an awesome weather day yesterday and I hope today will continue that, with a little bit of everything. Perfect. I want it to stay like this forever, but I know it's going to be too hot very very soon.

I am listening to: nothing at the very moment but....

I am watching: Friday Night Lights in the other window I have opened right now. It's still really good, but just not quite the same without some of those original kids. Recently I also watched: The Secret Garden (the musical done at my son's high school, pretty good), Thor (on a date Friday night, very fun movie!), Justin Bieber (before the date on Friday night... enjoyed it!), The Vampire Diaries finale (with a repentant loving Damon, awesome!) , The Amazing Race finale (blase about the winners, but love the show), Survivor (excited about the finale and wonder, can Rob really win?), American Idol (sad to see James go, now rooting for Scotty I suppose!).... and I guess that's "all." Addicted to TV anyone? Soon it will all be over and I'll be done with TV for the summer. Though I'm already trying to figure out what shows I will catch up on and watch on DVD, or Hulu, or maybe we can even finally get Netflix! What a concept! Someone (Angie? Holly?) said something about Downton Abbey, and now I have that on hold waiting for me at the library!

I am thinking: this post is so very very boring. I should just scrap the whole thing!

I am grateful for: Blogger, because this week, I found out how things get crazy without it! What a weird feeling to not be able to access this blog! Really really weird!

I am reading: A Wizard of Earthsea for book club this week, which is sort of slow going and Princess of Glass is on the treadmill, which is quite fun and I'm ready to lift it from treadmill status and read until it's finished!

I am photographing: Yesterday I filmed the violin recital, well my daughter's piece anyway. All went well! Nice to have it over too.

I am listing: Top Tens for Tuesday, things to do (the never ending list), what to blog about this week, and bookish thoughts for this week's Weekly Geek.

I am creating: nothing really. All that sewing from last week? Full stop this week. Add that to the to do list! Oh wait, I forgot! I've been creating this movie thing for Utah Author Month which I hope to share soon!

On my iPod: I added some stuff this week! But it's all stuff I've been talking about over and over again this past while to the point of you all being sick to death of my music discussions!

I am hoping and praying: that we make it through the end of this school year! Perhaps some of you can relate.

Around the house yard: The garden is planted! Added zucchini and swiss chard yesterday, plus flowers in the wine barrel.

From the kitchen: French toast this morning. Yesterday I didn't cook or make anything all day, and everyone thought they were starving! It was a  true "fend for yourself" day.

One of my favorite things: Frostys from Wendys.... they're really not that bad for you are they?

The children this week: One kid has a paper due Thursday, but he refuses to work on it.... this is making me so crazy I don't even have words. It's going to be interesting to see how this shakes down this week. The violin kid needs to go play for next year's teacher in an audition of sorts this week. That should be interesting too.

Plans for the week: I need to color the gray out of my hair this week! That's one thing on the to do list! Clean out the linen closet, what a scary place that is.... turn in the Eagle application, wash the windows, clean the bird cage.... aren't you glad you asked? :)

On this date: Yes, on this very very date, my husband's parents got married... 50 years ago! To celebrate, we are all going out to dinner, but then in June the REAL celebration comes when the whole extended family (24 people total) will be going on a cruise! It's a crazy endeavor, but will be one to remember that's for sure!

Thanks to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for the inspiration for this post's layout.


  1. Don't do it---don't say you would scrap this whole post. I love your version of Sunday Salon!! Aha, you ARE normal. Not a reading machine, but a perfectly normal woman with a perfectly normal family, full of perfectly wonderful, ordinary things to do!! Celebrate it!

    What did Gordon B. Hinckley like to quote, “Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just like people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey … delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” GBH quoting Jenkin Loyd Jones.

    I LOVE that! Thank you for sharing that you are wonderfully and individually you. Your life is perfect--for you. That is what makes you so darn fun to read and want to "hang out with!"

    Gosh, now I'm beginning to wish I was you! :)

    Enjoy spring. I'm afraid we are too close to summer here. We ate our cherry tomatoes yesterday and already have the bird netting up. Have a terrific day.

    How many days til your son gets home???

  2. I loved Downton Abby! Great show. I was reading The House at Riverton at the same time, and recommend it if you especially enjoy the setting and servant/ crumbling upperclass 1910s.

    We PVR'd the finale of the Amazing Race and my 8 year old has watched it once a day ever since. She loved Justin and Zev and now can practically quote along with the show.

    Have a great week!

  3. Yeah, blogger being down was downright annoying!

    I've got to go get the book for book club and hurry and read it eeek! I don't like hearing that it's slow.

    No wonder you can do those top ten lists so well, you plan in advance. I thought you just slapped them down.

    Yay for the garden. I heard it was going to be cold and wet again this week so I hope my garden survives. Oh, and me too.

    Ah, frostys, no, of course they're not bad for you! ;)

    I need to color my hair too! It probably won't happen though.

    I'm glad you posted today, it's not boring at all.

  4. Love your header...great content in your blog.

    Found your name on the BEA Armchair list and wanted to stop by.


  5. YUM swiss chard! For some reason, I've never met someone outside of my own family that eats it.

    And I really liked A Wizard of Earthsea, I hope it picks up for you!

  6. Inside: What a lovely comment and quote! Thanks for the pep talk! I needed it. :) Oh, and my son gets home in 11 days!

    Raidergirl3: well, I'm hoping I can fit it in as it's a bit crazy around here right now. I'll get today, and have it checked out for a couple of weeks, so we'll see how it goes! And I agree with your 8 year old.... Zev was a hoot! So funny!

    Jenny: Yes, I do have to ponder the Top Ten thing a bit! They have the future lists posted quite a bit ahead of time, so you can have lots of time to think.

    Elizabeth: Thanks for dropping by! I hope you enjoy it here and come back often!

    Sarah: We'll see how the swiss chard does... we never seem to succeed with the leavey thing!

  7. I picked up a Wizard of Earthsea today, now I am nervous to read it. If you think it is slow going, what am I going to think?

    Just sad to see James go? I was down right mad. Though, really, all of them are good, he was the most entertaining.
