Monday, May 16, 2011

Review: I Don't Want to Kill You by Dan Wells

Book: I Don't Want to Kill You by Dan Wells
Genre: Horror
Rating: A
For: Utah Authors Month
From: Mother's Day (my 16 year old son went all on his own and bought it... I had to laugh at the vision of him asking for it at the store!.... "Yeah, my mom wants a book called I Don't Want to Kill You!")

The story of John Wayne Cleaver, which began with I Am Not a Serial Killer, ends with this third book in the trilogy. These books tell the story of this 16 year old kid who is obsessed with serial killers, and knows way too much about crime scenes, profiling, and all sorts of other killer things. Add to that the fact the he works with his mom and aunt in the town's only mortuary and loves to help with embalming all the dead bodies. This is actually the only time he feels at peace. All the other times he is trying to resist the thoughts in his head about how cool it would be to kill someone.

However, in this book, he feels like he has the monster within himself a bit more under control, because now he has a job to do, he has direction and a focus for his sociopathic tendencies... and that is to find and kill the latest demon infestation. Because of that focus, he lets himself get close to a particular girl (not the one you'd expect though) and to participate more in normal teenage behavior.... and he finally talks to people. Way to go John!

This book is full of murder, suicides, high school dances, more embalmings, bike rides, and a pretty intense twist followed by an ending that might even get you a bit weepy. It's was quite the ride and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I was worried that this kid would do something stupid and make me not like him any more, but I'm happy to report that somehow, we got through yet another book with me still thinking he's a  good kid despite his claim to have no feelings for others. In fact, I really really like this character! He's quite the interesting one! And even though I'm not a big fan of mysteries, this mystery definitely had my attention.

Bottom line: Loved it. Now that this trilogy is over, I can't wait to see what Dan Wells comes up with next!

Other Reviews:

LEC Book Reviews
LDS Women's Book Review
The Book Zone (for boys)


  1. Well, I'm glad you liked it. I'm anxious to get to it after the way the second one ended.

  2. I loved it too. Now that you've read it, I can tell you I let out a big "Aww" when you said your son bought it for you. Even if he had no idea what the series was, it's still special he bought you this one.

  3. To cool that your son bought this for you, lol

    I am loving this series, only started this year, I am hooked on John.

    Great review you have me excited to read this one. Cant wait.

  4. I love that you are really hosting Utah Author Month. You inspired me to post a review of Bright Blue Miracle. This book sounds excellent. I'll be on the lookout for a copy.
