Friday, May 20, 2011

Review: Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George

Book: Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: A-
For: Utah Author Month
From: The library

This book is a sequel of sorts to Princess of the Midnight Ball. That book is about Rose and her sisters and how they have to dance all night long for years and no one can figure out why. THIS book is about Rose's sister Poppy who is sent off to visit some friends in the kingdom in order to help her family restore goodwill around and about. It's also about Prince Christian who is visiting the nearby palace, and has been sent there to hopefully fall in love with the princesses at that residence.

And then there's balls and dances and masquerades, and Christian and Poppy both end up at them and become fast friends because Poppy of course doesn't want to dance. She actually ends up playing cards instead. And Christian has his hands full trying to get away from his intended princesses who annoy him endlessly.

Meanwhile, a new maid arrives on the scene who seems to really mess up a lot. Strange stuff is afoot. Then she discovers her "fairy godmother" and gets help going to the ball where she is supposed to make Christian fall in love with her, and bad things happen if she doesn't get back before midnight.

You may think you know what happens next, but this being a fractured/twisted fairy tale, things don't always go as expected.

Bottom line: I enjoyed it a lot. Fun take on Cinderella.

Other Reviews:

Charlotte's Library
Welcome to my Tweendom
One Librarian's Book Reviews


  1. I adored this book! Jessica is a great author.

  2. I think this one might well be my favorite J.D.G. book!

  3. I like when authors change a fairytale enough that it stands on it's own. I'm intrigued.

  4. I thought she did a great job with the Cinderella twist, and I liked the book, but for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, this book didn't resonate with me as much as her *Princess of the Midnight Ball*.
    I'm really looking forward to reading her new book, though, which sounds really intriguing.

  5. I am reading this book right now.
