Saturday, May 21, 2011

Review: Forest Born by Shannon Hale

Book: Forest Born by Shannon Hale
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: A
For: Utah Author Month
From: Probably Amazon, a long time ago!

Yes, this is one of those books that I HAD to have! And then when I got it, I put it on the shelf and never got to it... until now. Finally. It was fun to revisit the Bayern world and get to know all the friends again. In fact, that was what I liked best about this particular book, that all the characters and stories from the previous three were woven into it.

But this story is mostly about Rin, the little sister of Razo. She is discovering her special gifts and is not too sure she is happy with them. In fact, she is pretty freaked out. But before she even figures out what's going on, she feels lost at home in the forest, so she decides to go off with Razo when he returns to the capitol. She quickly makes friends with Enna, and Dasha and Isi and ends up going with them when they need to solve a recent problem pertaining to the ongoing war and political issues.

When they discover the "who" behind all these problems, things get pretty chaotic pretty quickly. And it appears it's all up to Rin to save the day.

As with all the other books in this series, the writing is fabulous. The imagery and description wonderful. It makes me want to be Forest Born and live among the trees. Not sure I want to have a "speaking" gift though, but that sure seems to make life interesting for all these characters!

I loved remembering how cool I think Finn is too. A favorite part was when Dasha and Enna were listing the traits of the forest born boys! That was awesome! I think I quite agree with them!

It still feels like there could be more for them all....this really isn't the end, is it?

Bottom line: Thoroughly enjoyed it! However, The Goose Girl remains my favorite. And now I can see I'm all caught up on the Shannon Hale books. When's the next one out? I'm ready!

Other Reviews:

One Librarian's Book Reviews
Confessions of a Book Habitue
Beyond Books
Becky's Book Reviews


  1. I'm glad you liked this one. I, of course, struggled with it. I don't know why, I think I was mad at the lack of romance which is unlike me but it bothered me in this one. Plus it felt like I was reading a self discovery-self help book and it got a little preachy. I know, I'm weird.

  2. Goose Girl is definitely still my favorite out of the four books as well. :)
