Monday, May 2, 2011

Authors Pick Five: Lisa Mangum

Lisa Mangum is one of many Utah authors that seems to have burst onto the scene within the last couple of years... editor by day, and writer by night, as she describes herself. She is the author of the Hourglass Door trilogy  including The Hourglass Door, The Golden Spiral, and The Forgotten Locket, to  be released in June. This is a very fun series which includes some mind bending time travel, hunky Italian dudes (both nice and not so nice) and a girl caught up in it all.

I recently asked her my Authors Pick Five question: 

What five books are most important or influential to you? 

Here are her answers:

1. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnettbecause that’s the first book I remember reading with my mom when I was little.

2. Dragon’s Blood by Jane Yolen—because that’s the book that got me into reading fantasy.

3. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad—because I was one of two people in my entire AP English class who loved the book—the other one was my future husband.

4. Beloved by Toni Morrison—because that’s the book that changed how I looked at literary fiction.

5. On Writing by Stephen King—because that’s the book that helped me learn how to write.

Awesome books! I may have to put The Secret Garden on my list of five too!

Thanks for participating! I hope to get to that third book soon!

For more on Lisa, be sure to check out her website, read her blog, and friend her on Facebook.


  1. Oh, the English class book answer! That's super romantic!

  2. Jenny: Yeah, that's what I was thinking! :)
