Monday, March 7, 2011

Buddy Read of Lord of Chaos Begins... NOW!

As most of you know, I've begun a huge quest to read all of the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan... and I'm anxious to get to the end of the stack so I can read the books that Brandon Sanderson has written to finish up the series. I knew going in that these books were big, I mean aren't all epic fantasies? But I did NOT know that many of them were nearly 1000 pages long! (And I think the new ones are even longer?) That's beyond big. That's EPICALLY big! What was I thinking?

In the process of reading and reviewing these books, Ibeeeg (aka Deanna of Polishing Mud Balls) and I found each other and discovered that we have both embarked on this very same quest and were pretty much at the same spot in the line up. Since then, we've been cheering each other on and helping each other keep on going. What a blast it's been to sort of read them together!

Well, the "sort of" ends today as we officially begin our buddy read of book number six, Lord of Chaos. Our plan is to stick to more of a schedule (two chapters a day) and to tweet and email (and probably post now and then... at the end for sure) our thoughts along the way. At this point, we'll be using the hashtags #wheeloftime (a general tag for all fantasy geeks talking about these books) and #wotrr (a tag being used by Brandon Sanderson and fans as he/they re-read this series... we figure we fit in there somehow too, even if it's a first time thing for us.)

We'd love for any of you to join us! If you've read some of them in the past... just jump in and start with us now! Or if you want to start at the beginning, we'd love to hear your thoughts as you catch up! If you are ahead of us.... hmmm....  sorry no spoilers allowed! But you can still cheer us on as we catch up to you! (Ha catch up. That cracks me up.) Or if you've read them all already and just want to see what we think as we go, that works too.

Let us know if you want to be included in our efforts here.... and if you are on Twitter and other such contact methods. I promise, it's going to be fun!

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