Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Sunday Salon: 2010 Reading Stats

I've been crunching the numbers and have come up with the following overview of my reading this past year.

Total Books Read: 100 (Yes! I did it!)
(Interested in the complete list? Click here.)
Total Re-reads: 3 (counted in the above 100)
Total Pages: 36,300

Men: 32
Women: 68

Book Clubs: 10
Challenges: 19
Blog Tours: 3
Reviews for ARCs received: 19
Read Alongs: 4
On my own for fun: 45

The library: 25
My own stash: 70
Borrowed: 5

YA: 70
Adult: 30

From the YA category:
Science Fiction/ Fantasy (including dystopian, paranormal, horror, steam punk, etc.): 44
Romance: 8
Other (realistic fiction): 10
Middle Grade: 8

From the Adult category:
Non Fiction: 3
Classics: 4
Literary Fiction: 6
Science Fiction/ Fantasy (including dystopian, paranormal, horror, etc.): 11
Historical Fiction: 5
Romance: 1

My observations:

  • A little better for non-fiction reading, but still pathetic.
  • I thought I did a lot better regarding classics, but I guess not.
  • It appears SF/Fantasy in the YA genre is taking over my reading!!!
  • My ARC reading and reviews doubled from last year.
  • The historical fiction category is also suffering! Wow I see such a change from my pre-blogging numbers! 
  • I'm happy that I'm reading so many books that I already own (though many of those books are acquired throughout the year!) but sad to see my library usage down at the same time.
  • A few years ago my men vs. women authors was dead even. That appears to be changing too!
  • I think I read a lot of Big Fat Books this year... page numbers seem to be up!
  • I'm surprised at the low "literary fiction" number. Must fix that too!
Ah, fun. I love crunching the numbers. Have you crunched yours yet? How did they turn out?


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family. Have a great reading year in 2011!!!

    Here is my Sunday Salon post!

  2. I love to read all the stats. For a clever look at stats, take a look at Ready When You Are, C.B. This post cracked me up!

    Happy New Year!

    Here's my Sunday Salon!

  3. I didn't really crunch the numbers as thoroughly as you did (69 books for the year was the main number which I came up with), but one of my goals is to read more nonfiction next year than I did this past year. Like you, my number was pathetic for this past year.

  4. Woohoo! Sounds like you had a great reading year overall. I did crunch numbers and am quite contented with my reading overall. I look forward to seeing what is in store for us this New Year. Have a great one!

  5. Happy New Year! Congrats on reaching 100 books!! I have not done my number crunch yet...I hope to get my bookish year in review post up in the coming week.

    How do you keep track of your stats? I have been doing this manually, but wish I had a spreadsheet that would tally things up for me.

    I look forward to seeing what 2011 brings for you.

  6. I totaled my books and I've read 108! I had know Idea I's managed that many this year. Probably cause I was working part time and then not at all. Oh well, still fun. I should see what the reigning category is, I bet it's YA. Why does that make me feel guilty? Sigh.

  7. I'm impressed that you reached your 100 book challenge - congrats! I need to work on reading more of my personal books like you do, reduce my bookcase load :) Happy 2011!

  8. Wow, that's impressive. I plan to read more from the library this year. I read a lot of ARC's to get my blog established, so now I'll mix it up a bit.
    Happy New Year.

  9. Wow!! 100 books!!! I can only Happy New year!!!

  10. Gautami: Happy New Year to you too!

    Readerbuzz: I will check that out thanks!

    Unfinished: I find it interesting that the non-fictions I read make my top ten lists. You know, I REALLY need to read them more!

    Literary Feline: I love to think about the new reading year too... and the new books and authors to discover!

    Ibeeeg: I just use a notebook, but a spread sheet would be nice if I could ever figure it out.

    Techno: I'm not surprised at all that you read 108! Way to go! And let us both not feel guilty about YA, okay? Okay.

    Amused: I don't know what it is about that 100 number, but it's fun to try for it! Good luck to you working on your own pile!

    Page: Mixing it up is good! My guess is that my mix will be about the same next year. I guess we'll see....

  11. Kristina: Happy New Year to you too! :)

  12. I always love crunching my numbers at the end of the year. I find it fascinating and surprising, too. My numbers tell me I need to diversify a little - more NF, more historical fiction, more international authors, etc.

    Here's to another fun year of reading and blogging!

  13. Susan: Exactly! And I love pondering the new year of reading, wondering what books/authors/new adventures we'll all have! It will be a blast whatever it brings!

  14. Suey, these stats are great! Apparently we read very similarly in genres (though, I swear you read more diversely than myself). I definitely need to branch out more. :)
