Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Sunday Salon: Simple Report

Hey all you book people! How's your reading week been? I've had a pretty good one, and have read (almost) three books.

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner came out on Tuesday, so of course I didn't waste any time getting a hold of it. I then spent much of Wednesday and most of Thursday reading it. Totally enjoyed it despite the ruthless things that happen to the characters!

Jane by April Lindner became available at the library on Wednesday, so I fit that one in, being quite in the mood for something of that nature. It was a very fun remake of Jane Eyre with the Mr. Rochester role being filled by a rugged rock star.

Finally, I wanted to do a read along with Danielle from There's a Book for The Naming by Alison Croggon, and suddenly the date for that book's discussion happened this week! So I've been cramming for it, and have just a few pages to go today to call that one finished. I'm liking it okay, but after reading the Wheel of Time series so recently, it pales just a bit.

Anyway, full reviews on all of those coming up this week!

Today, I plan to spend more time.... again.... on Bleak House. I know I can just knock that one off easy if I actually give it some attention. I also rented the movie done by the BBC, and I wonder if watching the movie will help me get my enthusiasm going for it again. Anyway, it will be done soon I hope.

Coming up this week I'll be meeting both Julie Berry and Ally Condie at our library, so I'm excited about that. I'm working on talking the shy monster that always creeps up out of making an appearance.

For book club this week, we'll be talking about Matched by Ally Condie and then next month's selection which I'll be passing out to everyone is The Count of Monte Cristo. So, I plan to start that this next week especially since my 15 year old son is currently struggling through it and I need to read along with him so we can discuss. I suppose this is called an impromptu mother/son book club? Cool. We hope to get the movie for that this week too.

So that's my bookish report for this lovely Sunday. Happy reading to you all this week!


  1. We're going to be reading Matched for our Local Author book club and I can't wait! Now, if they would just get the books to us! :)

  2. We are reading The Count of Monte Cristo for February and I am so excited!!!! I really, really want to read Matched and hope to buy The Scorch Trials this week when I get to see Dashner in person!!!

  3. Becky: Have fun with Matched!

    Tif: Tell Dashner hi from me! Cool that he's coming to your area.

  4. (Almost) three books is fantastic!

    I reviewed nothing this week. Sad. But it will make for a better week next time.

  5. Will do Suey! I'm really hoping it will work out! Keep your fingers crossed for me!! :)
