Monday, October 18, 2010

Review: The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

Book: The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
Genre: YA Dystopian Fantasy
Rating: A
For: Fun... oh and to Support Local Authors
From: Bought it at Borders

Wow, I've been looking forward to this one for awhile. With the way The Maze Runner ended, I was anxious to find out what was next for Thomas and company.

And let me just say, it wasn't pretty. Page turning reading for sure, but some very ugly stuff happens!

And now beware: major spoilers for The Maze Runner follows, but hopefully not major ones for The Scorch Trials:

So Thomas and his Glade friends find themselves in yet another confusing situation. They thought they were rescued, but of course, life isn't quite that easy for them. Instead, they are given a very small set of directions and told to basically run. And from there, the whole book is just one thing after another that's thrown at them.

To top it off, they can't figure out who's really the bad guys and who's the good. Or what the purpose of their quest really is. Or if they can trust anything or anybody. They are in one huge awful mess. It's harsh and ruthless.

But despite that hopeless feeling, I loved it and couldn't put it down. I think many people have a let down sort of feeling with a book two of any trilogy or series. I didn't at all with this one. It was a wonderful breathless ride! I must warn you though, I'd stay away from reading it before bed.

Bottom line: Loved it!

Other Reviews:

Well Read Reviews
Squeaky Books
My Pile of Books

Follow James Dashner's blog
Or his tweets... if you want!


  1. Just skimmed your review because I'm planning to read this one this week. I finished MAZE RUNNER yesterday and really enjoyed it. Reminded me a lot of HUNGER GAMES. Can't wait to see what happens next ...

  2. How did it compare to THE MAZE RUNNER for you? I didn't totally love THE MAZE RUNNER, but the ending made me really want to continue on, especially because I hoped to get a better look at the world in which THE MAZE RUNNER was set in the subsequent books.

  3. Can't wait to get my hands on this one. Glad it didn't let you down, it sound like a great sequel.

  4. Susan: Yes, it's a very fun series. Enjoy!

    Jen: I liked that it was different from The Maze Runner... they had much different challenges to face. We did get a little glimpse into the world, but there's still a lot of questions too.

    Jan: I hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  5. Mine finally arrived in the mail (stupid preorder). I've got to get reading it soon!

  6. Melissa: Pre-ordering does scare me a bit. The one time I did it, the book didn't come until MONTHS after.

  7. I loved it, too - hate that we have to wait a whole year for the conclusion!

  8. Wait...I know I posted a comment for this post, but it wound up under The Nameing. Weird.

  9. I've got this one on my TBR so I'm going to avoid reading your review in full but do like seeing your bottom line. Loving it makes me happy!

  10. I cannot wait to read this one!! I ended up missing out on Dashner when he was in town and that was when I was going to buy his book. BUT, I do have to go to the bookstore this week!! I'm even more excited to read it now after reading your review!!
