Saturday, October 9, 2010

Readathon: Update 1/ Hour Three (and a Six Word Mini Challenge)

What I’m reading now: The Shadow Rising (Book Four of The Wheel of Time) by Robert Jordan

How many page read since last update: 50

How many pages read total: 50

Books finished since last update: none

How many minutes/hours read since last update: almost 2

How many minutes/hours read total: almost 2

What the family is reading: Toto has been with me now for an hour and is reading The Pilgrims of Rayne (Pendragon 8) by D.J. MacHale

What we are listening to: nothing yet, too early, others still sleeping!

What we are eating: nothing yet, and I'm starving!

Distractions: hunger, already yawning like crazy too

Mini Challenges: opening hour 1 and below you can find the six word one!

Visits Made: just a couple, and a few tweets


It's all about reading for fun!

Back to reading... and hopefully pancakes soon....


  1. It IS all about reading for fun...I'm having fun, for sure, and hope you are, too!

  2. I love your six word sentence!

  3. I was yawning at first too but then I got some breakfast and coffee. Trust me, it will work wonders!

  4. Just popping in to cheer you on! Looks like you have some great books lined up for the read-a-thon!

  5. Way to go--my husband LOVES Robert Jordan, by the way. His books are truly epic! Fun to see you have a fellow reader along for the day too...I hope you don't mind, but I kind of copied your template for hourly updates. ;)
    Have a great morning!

  6. "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." - Joseph Addison
    Have a great workout today :)

  7. Looks like you are doing great so far! Keep up the good work!

  8. (Non)traditional Buddhist readathon blessing:

    Just as the books fill the shelves,
    Pile together on the floor and stack up on the table
    So may the joy of the readathon
    Flow forth to brighten your day and lift your spirit.
    Books already read, books in progress and books yet to be read.

    By the power of every word on the page
    May your book be delightful,
    As scary as Lovecraft’s Cthulhu
    Or as sweet as a box of See’s candy.

    Let the power of the images evoked by words
    Keep you stay awake long through the night
    May no obstacle impede
    Your day filled with books.

    For all of those who are reading today
    Who follow in the path of Dewey
    May your day be filled with the four blessings
    Of fabulous books, tasty snacks, comfy chairs and joy.
