Thursday, October 7, 2010

Book Fair Books

Yeah, so I bought some books at the book fair last night. More than I normally do. Either that or they were more expensive! Yes, you can see The Maze Runner in this stack. I think this is the fourth Maze Runner I've bought. According to Mr. Dashner, that means I've personally contributed about $8 to his livelihood! This copy will be donated to Toto's class. Maybe they'll read it all together there, I don't know. 

As for the other books, Toto requested the second 39 Clues book. Yeah, we are little behind in those. Savvy I've been meaning to read forever. Sent is the second in a series, the first of which I read for a book fair book talk a couple of years ago. The third one is now out. The Ranger's Apprentice is another series I am way behind on, so I thought I'd buy this first book and see for myself what I think. Skellig has a Printz Award seal on it, so I bought it based on that fact alone. And Eon, I heard of somewhere and it sounds very intriguing. 

So what do you think? Should I bump some of these to my readathon pile? I guess we'll see! More likely, they'll sit on my shelf  for a couple or three years and then maybe I'll think about reading them!


  1. I loved Savvy. Just finished its sequel Scubble. Didnt like it as much

  2. My gosh suey, please do not tell me that you are reading yet another series that I am in to...oh wait, you just did with this post.
    Ranger's Apprentice. I really like that series, but I think I am now two books behind. It is weird how they are being distrubted here, several years behind the publishing in Australia.
    Wait...upon reading a bit further, I realized you are just starting this series. Well, I need to know what you think of the book. I think it is a good series, mostly for boys, i think.
    If interested, here is my post for the first book. Weird reading my posts from a year ago, I do believe that my writing has improved.

    Saavy...I have that book waiting for me to read. My 11-year daughter has read that book as well as the sequel Scumble. She liked the reads.

    Definitely bump Ranger's Apprentice onto your readathon pile because I am very curious as to what you will think of this one. After that, Eon just because the spine of the book looks intriguing.

    The Maze Runner....well, I guess since you have now just purchased your 4th copy that I ought to get one of my own. For me, your purchases speaks volumes to how much you liked the book, and I am even more curious. I am thinking that i will like it, and then my daughter.

    I wish I was reading faster these days because there are soooo many books that I do really want to read but just do not get to them. :sigh: the horrors of an avid reader's life. LOL
