Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Sunday Salon: A Non-Reading Bookish Week

It was quite the bookish week around here. Yet, funny thing. I got no reading done! Well, maybe a little. Friday night and Saturday morning I read and finished a book. And it was an awesome one. But I'll review that later!

Bookish things I did:

BBAW, a week long celebration with many of you. Lots of posting. Lots of visiting and hopping. Lots of hopping still to do. It was fun! A fabulous week of bloggy love.

Book Club which I recapped here for you. Another fun evening. Lots of book talk. I missed it over the summer. I think we have great plans for this year.

Book Fair, which I started planning. It's my last year at this, since next year my youngest will move on. Subconsciously I must be wanting to go out with a bang after doing this for ten years, because wow, did we have problems this week! But, I think all will be well, and the book fair will go on, not necessarily as planned, but go on nonetheless.

Training at the Library, in which we made t-shirts where we picked a number to catalog ourselves. (My number: 028.8. Do you know it?) And we had a "state of the library" address, and we cleaned stuff and had general all round bonding moments. Patrons, sadly, would rather the library staff not have training days, because it means the library is closed.

Reading I did NOT do:

Bleak House... very very behind now. Two weeks worth of reading assingments to catch up on.

The Shadow Rising... I carried it around with me everywhere I went and read a page here and there.

Secondhand Charm... this one I jumped into last night, and finished this morning. Loved it! Really loved it. So I guess I did do a little reading there at the end of the week after all.

TV/Movie watching I did (some last weekend):

Clash of the Titans: Not bad,not bad at all. Avatar guy, actually quite nice.
The Last Song: Sad, yes. Sappy in parts, yes.A good Redbox rental movie.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: I liked! Pretty spot on casting. Funny and enjoyable.
Vampire Diaries: Oh poor poor Damon. Will someone just love him already?
Survivor: Great start to yet another season. New twist... "The Medallion of Power!"

It was a busy week. I hope you had a great one! Here's to whatever next week has in store!


  1. I fell behind in my reading this week because of BBAW too. It was well worth it though!

  2. I've actually never done BBAW! Funny, since I've been blogging for over two years now!

    I've only read children's books this week, but what wonderful children's books they were. I'd love to have you stop in at my blog:

    (And don't panic....the post IS in English, despite all outward appearances!)


  3. Like you, I didn't get much reading done either, thanks (or no thanks ;) to BBAW. As for Bleak House, I did join earlier, but then dropped out when I got behind and also realized I really wasn't "into" it. Now I'm back to reading the fluff (a la short murder mysteries) I'm used to reading. :)

    I didn't realize you worked at a library too. I guess that shows how much I pay attention. Today's Sunday Salon post might be of interest to you as it's a crossover for a series I do called Patron of the Week.

  4. Even though you didn't get a lot of reading done it sure sounds like you had a bookish week!

  5. I told Amy from My Friend Amy and Michelle from my life, my books that I would step in and give Damon some loving if necessary. In fact, I am MORE than willing to fill that void for him. ;)

    The Medallion of POWER - quite an interesting little twist, is it not? We'll see if it actually impacts the game. Jimmy Johnson seems to be just as disruptive. LOL!

  6. I hardly got any reading done - just one book over the course of the entire week. It was nice to slow down after I read a bajillion (ok, 14) books in August, but now I want to start reading more again!
