Thursday, September 2, 2010

BTT: Film to Paper

Booking through Thursday asks this question today:

Even though it’s usually a mistake (grin) … do movies made out of books make you want to read the original?

Yes, of course! Always! And sometimes I even do, go read the original I mean. BUT, that being said, I still think it's better to read the book first.

Speaking of which, have you read the book Flipped? This was a book I loved pre-blog and now it's being made into a movie! You've GOT to watch this trailer and tell me, does this not look like the cutest movie ever? That's because it's the cutest book, and if you haven't read it yet. Really. You've got to get to it quick! Then again, maybe you'll see the movie and then want to read the book.....


  1. Yep! I think it looks cute. :) I read the book and thought it was very good.

  2. I always read the book before I see the movie.

  3. I definitely prefer to see the book before the movie too!

  4. I love FLIPPED! And it looks like the movie actually be good! Thanks for sharing.

  5. That looks fantastic! I can't wait to see the movie, it looks like a great cast. I'm ordering the book now =)

  6. That looks fantastic! I can't wait to see the movie, it looks like a great cast. I'm ordering the book now =)

  7. How fun! I love that it looks like they put it back in the 50s or something (as I recall it was in the present day). Loved the book!

  8. Unlike you, I usually will not read the book after I have first watched the movie.

    I read Flipped a few years ago. My oldest daughter read it for her 8th grade lit class. While I thought it was a good book, I was rather disappointed that it was her school's choice for the kids to read. Actually, I did not really like her 8th grad lit program much at all.

  9. Ooops. Forgot to add, the movie does look good. I hope it is.

  10. I loved Flipped, and the movie looks very cute! The time setting is interesting - not what I expected.
