Monday, September 13, 2010

BBAW Giveaway: The Maze Runner

I rarely do giveaways, but being a part of the BBAW festivities is something I do want to participate in, so last night it finally hit me what book I'd like to giveaway:

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

I will be seeing him next week at our library and will get the book personally signed for the winner before sending it on. This is a worldwide giveaway. The winner will be randomly selected at midnight (US Eastern Time) on Sunday September 19 and announced on the blog here Monday morning, the 20th. 

Please fill out the form with your info in order to enter. As part of this giveaway I'm also asking the burning question: How did you feel about Mockingjay? I would love to gather some sort of statistic to determine where most of us fall on this important issue! So hopefully I've given enough choices so you can click on something that describes your feelings the closest.

Thanks for participating!! Be sure to check out all the other giveaways at this BBAW link.


  1. Thanks for the nice giveaway!

    This book looks just the sort of thing for my sons (11 and 13). They're fluent in English but don't read it much (we're in The Netherlands). This would certainly keep them going - after the English Mockingjay we have waiting (until another book is finished).

    I'm queueing after them, so haven't read Mockingjay yet :-(

  2. So somehow my response was submitted before I was finished so I filled out the form a second time - just delete my first - unfinished - entry.

  3. Great question! I myself haven't yet read the series but I have all 3 books on my bookshelf just waiting for me. I heard there was a HUGE cliffhanger at the end of CF, which is why I hadn't started the series yet (I was waiting for MJ to come out). Now, it's just a matter of time until I can get to the series, though it is on the top part of my TBR pile :)

  4. great giveaway-thanks for hosting it-please enter me-I am waiting to read Mockingjay until I can get all the books in paper back

  5. Thank you so much for the giveaway! :D

  6. Happy BBAW! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. :)
    From the Shadows

  7. Happy BBAW; I've been curious about this book... so I'm actually crossing my fingers. :-) Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I thought about joining in on daily BBAW posts but just could not commit to it.
    Hope you are having fun with the week posts! :D

    If I win this book, I would want the book signed to my daughter. Although, she is only 11 so maybe this book is a bit too old for her?? Exciting choice for a giveaway.

    Mockingjay...I have not read the book yet. Waiting for my friend to be ready to dig into the read because we are going to do a review together. We have our Catching Fire review almost ready to be posted. I cannot wait to see how I feel about this book.

  9. Leeswammes: You boys would love it.

    Lahni: I'm getting a few that seem to be having that problem, so yes, anyone with a double entry, I'll delete one. Good luck!

    The Book Vixen: Yes, I was so curious to see where the majority of us landed regarding thoughts about this book!

    Mel U: I hope that day comes soon for you!

    Jaz.parks: Good luck!

    E.J.: Happy BBAW back at ya!

    Melissa: Wow, it's time you read this book!

    Ibeeeg: My 11 year old daughter read it and loved it. I thought it might be a little scary, but she had no problem.

    I look forward to your thoughts about Mockingjay!

  10. wanted to give a more accurate response: haven't read a word of MJ yet, but love it anyway because it made my non-reading son like it so much he took it to school to keep reading! i'll read it too when he's done

  11. thank you for making this giveaway international! :D

  12. I have read Maze Runner and now have 6th grade students reading it and loving it. I think that it will be another great series that older children and adults alike will love.

    I have read Mokingjay and loved all of it, except for one part, but I can't give anything away.

    Enjoy reading everyone!
