Monday, September 13, 2010

BBAW: First Treasure (Newly Discovered Blogs)

The minds in charge of Book Blogger Appreciation Week have come up with a wonderful theme for the week: A Treasure Chest of Infinite Books and Infinite Blogs! Each day we are to post about a treasure with regarding to reading and blogging.

Today's suggestion is to talk about a first treasure, or in other words a newly discovered book blog! Ah, where to start! I'm assuming this means a "new to us" book blog and not necessarily "new" book blog... but perhaps I'll just go ahead and mention both!

A "new to me" blog that I've really connected with recently is Ibeeeg (Deanna) from Polishing Mud Balls. (How's that for a fun name! She explains it on her sidebar.) We discovered each other because of our mutual personal quest to read The Eye of the World series by Robert Jordan. It's quite the undertaking and we need to cheer each other on! She makes wonderful awesome comments and we've had some pretty fun comment discussions about the characters  in those books.

Then we realized we were both reading the Queen's Thief series also! Not only that, but we realized we both have a Muse obsession and lots of other similar music and book tastes. Don't you love it when that happens?

Other things about Deanna is that she is doing a Bible reading challenge which I find very brave, and she is a mom of a big and busy family, something I can quite relate to. But most especially I love that she has one of those very conversational blogs, you know, the ones where it feels like you are right there with her, just talking as friends. I'm so happy to have found her and her blog this past year!

Other blogs I must mention as favorite "new" and "new to me" blogs since last year:

Leah from Amused by Books
Jan at Eating Y.A. Books
Danielle from There's a Book
Tif from Tif Talks Books
Kika from The Book Bluff
Jenni from Jenni Elyse
Debbie from Cranberry Fries

And that's just a few of the favorites I've discovered this year! And I'm sure it won't be the last!

What blogs have you discovered this year?


  1. I've seen ibeeeg in the comments on your posts but haven't been to her blog. Seeing as I also love the Robert Jordan books I must remedy that!

  2. It's amazing to discover just how few blogs I actually know, no matter that I'm following a million of them!

  3. i recently found polishing mud balls too (via RIP site) and have since been revisiting as it is an enjoyable blog to follow. will have to check out the others you highlighted.


  4. A fellow Muse fan, you say? I will be checking her out immediately! If she loves Muse, she has to be great! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you so much for mentioning me - you are too sweet! I love your blog too!

  6. Oh my gosh Suey....thanks so much for highlighting my blog. Wow! Coming off and still a bit in the midst of some very stressful weeks, seeing this post has totally warmed my heart.

    I am wowed by how much we have in common. It blows my mind by how I can meet someone who has walked this earth with much the same likes as me, and i did not know it until I come across them via blogging. You, my blogging friend, are one of the few that fit that "walking this earth unknown to me" category. I am very glad that I was seraching out other people's thoughts on the WoT books and came across your fanatastic blog!!!

    Okay...I could continue gushing about how fun it is to converse with you, and to read your posts, but that may get a bit boring...maybe. ;)
    Thanks again for very kind words.

    Heather J. - always glad to know another person who likes Jordan's books. They are huge books, and the series is taking some comittment on my part.

    guatami tripathy - I always appreciate your comments on my blog. :D

    contemplatrix - Carl's blog is fantastic, and through his blog I have met some fabulous bloggers. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you are liking your RIP reads.

    Michelle - oh yeah girl....I.Love.Muse!!!!!! I am currently on a Muse high just with the thought that I am going to their concert on Oct 6th! Love Muse!!

  7. I hear you! I'm seeing them for the third time in a year this October 11th. Can. Not. Wait!

  8. Michelle - this will be my 2nd time seeing Muse this year. My first was on March 12th. I feel a bit nutty about this "obsession" but so be it. :D

    We should talk Muse after we see the shows. Love to compare notes. :D :D

  9. Heather J: She has some great comments about the Robert Jordan books, so do take a look!

    Amanda: I know! I'm feeling very overwhelmed!

    Gautami: Thanks for dropping by. Do go say hi to Deanna!

    Comtemplatrix: Enjoy!

    Michelle:All Muse fans unite! :) Third time? So no fair!!

    Amused: Thanks! :)

    Ibeeeg: I do hope it brought a little smile! Have fun at Muse! I wish I could go again, but they are in the area again at this point. Maybe soon...

  10. ibeeeg - I was crazy enough to buy U2 tickets just to see Muse open for them. That was October 2009. We drove to the Detroit show in March and are finally able to see them without traveling. I have long given up feeling crazy about this obsession of mine. I sing it loud and proud!

    Suey - LOL! They are coming to my hometown. I can't pass them up!

  11. Thank you so much for mentioning my site!!! Many of these other blogs are new to me too, so I need to check them out!! One of the many perks of BBAW . . . adding more blogs to follow!! :)

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