Friday, September 10, 2010

Authors Pick Five: Becca Wilhite

After reading and loving both of her books, I knew I needed to invite Becca Wilhite to participate in Authors Pick Five and share with us five books that are most influential and important to her. Here is her list:

"Les Miserables" (full-on, unabridged version) by Victor Hugo. I love this book, and have read it at least ten times (even if maybe I possibly just might skip some of Waterloo once in a while, just saying). It is epic and breathtaking, sure, but it reminds me to knock off the judgy-judgy thing, since I rarely know anyone's full story.

"The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. Just as a test, I wondered if I could read the last 2 chapters alone (as in, not after reading the previous ones) and not cry. I couldn't. It demands tears, this book, but in the best, most redemptive way. (Tied-for-favorite boy character = Rudy Steiner.)

"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. Masterful dialog, understatement, character, comedy, and wit, with just enough fashion and fainting to speak to my girly side.

"Unwind" by Neal Shusterman. I'm not usually a fan of scary books, because I am a huge, huge chicken. But I love this one. It's my kind of terror - the psychological kind that keeps you up at night. (Or at least keeps me up at night. Chicken, remember?) This is important because it stretches my usual boundary.

"Bloomability" by Sharon Creech. I'm not really the kind of girl who kneels at others' feet, but if I ever got the chance, I just might kneel at Sharon's. She's brilliant. And she has created my other tied-for-favorite boy character in this book. He's Guthrie, and I'm half in love with him, even if he is twelve. 

Love these books! The only one I'm not familiar with is Bloomability and you can bet I'll be finding and reading it soon!

Becca Wilhite is the author of two books, My Ridiculous Romantic Obsessions and Bright Blue Miracle (links to my reviews.) Both of them are sweet clean,yet poignant (don't you love that word?) romances. She will be speaking at an upcoming conference at UVU, if you want to go, click here. Also, she has a very fun blog, and you can read that if you click here!

Thanks for participating Becca! I look forward to many more books from you!


  1. See, now I have to check out this, Bloomability too!

  2. I've only read Les Miserables and P&P but I can see why they made the list.

  3. I love your Authors Pick Five. You do awsome work. Thanks. :)
