Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekly Geeks 2010.20: Wishlist

Here's the question posed over at Weekly Geeks today:

Is your wishlist as big as your TBR pile? What books are topping your list? Are there any new releases that you are counting down the days for? Share a handful of titles and be sure to share why you want to get your hands on these books! And if another blogger is responsible for that book being on your wishlist, consider sharing a link to their review!

Usually my wishlist is solely because of the persuasion of another bloggers. I'm pretty much too clueless to know about the new stuff on my own. I mean, not counting the obvious ones or sequels and trilogies etc. . So here's my wishlist list broken down into categories.

Obvious (or maybe not so obvious) Ones

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, to be released August 24
The Scorch Trials by James Dasher, to be released October 12
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, to be released August 17
The Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak (just looked it up and Goodreads says Feb. 11, 2011!!!! Bump this to the TOP even before Mockingjay!!)

Books I've recently put on hold, due to blogger talk:

The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan (Angie's fault)
Mistwood by Leah Cypress  (Angie's fault)
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles (Angie's fault)
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (general blogger talk, but I saw a review that made me give in, can't remember who!)
Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta (because of my own love of Jellicoe Road)
Gardener by S.A. Bodeen (keeps showing up on Goodreads)
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa (author's fault and because the cover is so cool)
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater (general blogger talk, and because of a librarian at work who hated it)
The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova (general blogger talk and my own love for The Historian)

Books in my Goodreads TBR list that I wish for:

The Dark Days of Hamburger Haplin by Josh Berk (because I had a weird Twitter exchange with him once)
The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen (because of the author)
Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon (because of Michael on Books on the Nightstand)
Heart of a Shepherd by Rosanne Parry (totally Melissa from Book Nut's fault)

(Angie, I swear, being a more consistent reader of your blog has been hazardous to my TBR pile!)

And I'm sure there's a ton more and a ton I forgot but this is what comes to mind first. Have you read any of these books? Which ones need to be bumped to top?


  1. Await Your Reply was a surprise hit for me. Loved it!

    Check out my wish list on Restless Reader!

  2. Most of the books on my wishlist are from other bloggers too, so good to know I'm not alone!

    You need to bump The Iron King to the top of your wishlist, as it's so good! Not a big fan of the fey, but really loved this book!

    Have fun!

  3. My wish list is mostly books that I've heard or read about via bloggers or other sources - I have to note those so I remember them! It usually doesn't include sequels or books that I'm pretty much certain I'll read (like Mockingjay.

    Having said that, you've reminded me that I need to add Await Your Reply to my official list - thanks! :-)

  4. Dang you! (shaking fist) Now I want to read half those. ;-)
