Friday, June 4, 2010

Not Blogging Today

Today I'm not blogging. Mostly because I'm out of ideas for the moment, which is quite ironic since last week I blogged about ideas for blog writing! That's just sad.

But instead today, I'm reading. Well, that is, I plan on reading. After I catch up on some Friday Night Lights, and make some banana bread, and Twitter a bit, perhaps water the garden some and then watch the tail end of the girls' big dance show. (I'll watch the whole thing tomorrow, at least that's the plan, because this dance class has, count them, FOUR dance shows. It's insane.)

The boys are off scout camping. So even if I don't get to reading right now this very minute, I will later and I will read way into the night! And then first thing in the morning. Because no, I'm NOT tired. (I am not tired, I am not tired, I am not tired!)

This weekend is the 48 hour book challenge, which is kind like the 24 hour readathon, only different. I didn't sign up because I didn't know if I could actually participate. But maybe I can a little, so I'm going to play unofficially. I'll read, and I might even tell you about it, but I'm not keeping track of hours. Too lazy this weekend.

What I've been/will be reading:

  • just finished Insatiable, loved it!
  • almost done with Coop, loving it!
  • just started Beautiful Creatures, loving it!
  • maybe start Everlost, my guess is I'll love it.
  • and Son of the Shadows and The Dragon Reborn are both calling calling calling.... and if I answer, I will love them too!
I'm feeling good. I'm on a roll!

But I better go now, since today, I'm reading, and not blogging.....


  1. For someone who didn't blog today, that was a significant number of words for a post! :) And a lot of "lovin'" of books!

  2. Suey, I love Friday Night Lights. My son and I have been watching it from the beginning.

    I hadn't heard about the 48 hour challenge. Fill us in!

  3. I had hoped to participate in the 48 hour readathon, but alas, too much weekend stuff has taken over (I admire you for persevering in the midst of all your weekend plans)

    Have a great time!

  4. I love Friday Night Lights to i have all the seasons on dvd except the new one. I dvr it then watch them. I am participating in the 48 hour book challenge. Have had a lot of life interupt me this weekend but I got alot of good reading in.
