Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Sunday Salon: Book Reports

What I'm working on:

Today I'm all wrapped up in Sorcha's story in Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier. I'm so very anxious for a certain someone to show up again... because I KNOW he will, and I'm anxious for Sorcha to complete her impossible task, and I really want to know what Red is thinking about everything and how he is going to fit into this story. Ah, great book! Hopefully I'll get lots of time to keep reading today.

I started another Neal Shusterman book this week too. Antsy Does Time.... a sort of sequel to The Schwa Was Here though the feeling I'm getting so far is that it doesn't really matter if you've read the first one or not for this one to make sense. Anyway, I love it! This author is so funny and is one of those with an amazing way with words and comparisons and interesting pop culture tie ins. Love it.

Also, I read a couple of chapters of  I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells. Just a couple of pages into it and I'm already grossed out! But in a good way, sort of.  I'm looking forward to this one, having heard so much about it. I have no idea what to expect though. It's going to be interesting.

Here's what I hope to get going in the next week or two:

The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan: time for the next installment of this series!
Insatiable by Meg Cabot: she sent me her next book, so I should read it...
Coop by Michael Perry: I have a blog tour scheduled for this one.
Captivate by Carrie Jones: a borrowed book needs returning!
Little Bee by Chris Cleave: I need to know what all the fuss is about.
The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whelan Turner: my book club voted this series as our summer project and I'm very anxious to keep going with it
Percy Jackson #2: to finish of the Once Upon a Time Challenge

What the family is reading:

Mr. Stuey: Sounds Like Crazy by Shana Mahaffey
JJ: Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
Moder: hmmmm..... not sure he's reading anything dang it.
Toto: Percy Jackson #5

Happy BEA week to everyone! Both those lucky enough to go and those who are staying home and playing from our armchairs.... and even to those who have no idea what it is!


  1. I've got a nice stack of books started for summer reading. Wish I had more good ideas....

  2. Love your toppling stack of books (on the header!). I may have said that before, but it still amazes me. lol

    Here's my salon:

  3. I'm guessing that you have already read Unwind by Neil shusterman??? I was wondering which one of his books I should try next. Should I try The Schwas Was first??

  4. Readerbuzz: I'm sure you'll end up with a great pile of summer reading!

    Laurel: Glad you like my crazy picture!

    Laura: Yes, Unwind was what started my Neal Shusterman phase. And yes, you should read The Schwa Was Here next... followed closely by this one I'm reading now, Antsy Does Time. So fun.
