Friday, May 21, 2010

Music Stuck in My Head

Time for another music installment. That's because I spent much time yesterday buying iTunes songs since I got an iTunes card as a thank you from work. Fun times. And of course since then I've been playing them constantly, thus.... stuck in my head.

This one I love love love.... I think I heard it years ago and have thought about it often since then, wondering what it was and if I would ever find it. Suddenly, I've stumbled on it and am thinking that it really is that song that has stuck with me all this time. Are you familiar with it? It sounds like Avatar music, but I promise, it's not.

Not sure what it is about this song, but it gives me chills. Even though Sarah Brightman kind of creeps me out. Love Andrea though.

And here's these guys on Glee singing one of my all time favorite songs, Dream On. I didn't watch the episode, but I did find this clip (finally) of them singing, but here I'll embed the whole song. I'm finding more and more that I love anything this Matthew Morrison guy does. I want a CD of "just the Glee teacher" please! Weird that I'm almost liking their version better of this song than the original Aerosmith.

And finally, a new group to love.... The Canadian Tenors. Where have they been? Where have I been? Beautiful!

Did you listen? Did you like any?
Got any music stuck in your head today?


  1. I like the Andrea and Sarah Brighton song too. But what is up with Sarah??? They looked like they should get a room.

  2. Suey, That Andrea song brings tears to my eyes - no words to describe the beauty. Sarah is pretty touchy feely, but she's got a powerful voice and mixes well with Andrea. :)

  3. Fun! I'm loving the one that sounds like Avatar music!

    I have had Glee music stuck in my head for the last two weeks. Not sure what's up with that...

  4. I listened. The first one is Enya right? I have several of her CDs.

    I like Glee music, but the show drives me crazy. I wanted to like it, but I guess I have so many other shows that I watch that I just gave up on Glee.

    The Canadian Tenors was wonderful. It is great to listen to talented singers. Too many "artists" now are not really talented. It's sad.

    What is stuck in my head? UGH!!!! Justin Bieber.... Baby Baby Baby Oh!....... Just when I get that song out of my head one of the girls plays it or he shows up on tv and it's stuck in my head again!

    Great post. It reminded me that I got an itunes gift card for mother's day that I need to use.

  5. I just love Andrea Bocelli, I also like the Prayer that he sings with Celine Dione. The one song I had stuck in my head for ages was Band on the Run after seeing Paul McCartney live. It went on for weeks. Lovely post thanks for sharing
    Ann Summerville
    Cozy In Texas
    Less of Me

  6. What do I have stuck in my head now?? THESE songs!! The Canadian tenors were incredible! Thanks for sharing them. I always love Andrea Bocelli, it was a thrill to hear his effortless voice on this Saturday morning. I have been a Glee reject, not even wanting to listen, but that song not only brought back so many memories, it was so clear - I agree I like it better than the original!

    Stuck in my head

    1- Gotta Keep Readin' The Ocoee Middle School version of the Black Eyed Peas song. Seriously awesome - see my blog ( )

    2 - the CD - Emma's Hymns. Period instruments, soft and soothing. Just what my heart needed during this BUSY week!

    Thanks for sharing!!

    PS - How are you liking I am NOT a Serial Killer? I finished it this week. I can't wait to read your take on it.

  7. Laura: See, I told you she kind of creeps me out! :)

    MT: Yes, it's a great song, isn't it.

    WinterWrite: I seriously can't get the Avatar that's not Avatar one out of my head!

    Kathy: I think Enya has a version of that first one, but the one I embedded is actually done by Karl Jenkins.

    I agree about Glee the show. It drives me crazy too. And like you I wanted to like it! Oh, well.

    LOL about Justin Bieber! I'm so surprised my girls haven't taken to him... especially my 11 year old. So, we don't hear his music around here... but if he comes on the radio or something, they are both dancing and singing right along with.

    Ann: Being such a huge Josh Groban fan, I lean toward liking his version of The Prayer better. Paul McCartney is coming here this summer, but I doubt we'll make it to that one. I imagine Band on the Run would get stuck in my head though, easy!

  8. Inside a Book: I'm so glad you enjoyed these songs! Happy to help in the "stuck in your head" department! :) I will have to check the songs/music you suggested, haven't heard of either one.

    I've only read the first couple chapters of IANASK...and the first chapter already grossed me out! Anyway, hopefully I can make more progress on it this weekend.
