Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Third Blogiversary Celebration! (AND a Reader Survey)

It's time for some looking back I suppose, now that I've been doing this blog thing for three years. Yes, it was three years ago that I put up my first little timid welcome post (which I have since added to and enhanced a bit because it's now my "about me" page.) Last year I remembered back on the first two years of blogging. Now this year, oh my, what blogging changes have happened for me! Here's a few:
  • all the fun stat numbers are growing in the right directions, slowly but surely!
  • just in the last year, I've finally started getting ARCs and review copies
  • I started my own features and challenges, stuff I was too nervous to do earlier
  • I finally participated in a readathon and a bloggiesta
  • I did more giveaways than ever before (still not a ton, but I'm good with that)
  • I revamped my whole blog look from what it was last year
  • I've participated in some fun blogger/author/bookish get-togethers
  • I've participated in many more blog tours, some even "on my own."
Some of my favorite posts from the past year:

And now, as part of my blogiversary celebration, and because I had so much fun doing a poll back during the bloggiesta about what you like and don't like in a review, I thought I'd do another one about what you like and don't like about my blog... and also for you tell tell me a little more about yourselves, so I get a better idea of who's actually here and reading! So, please have fun with it and fill it out and let me know what you think!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on such a milestone in the Blogging community.

  2. Hi! I wanted to take your poll, but the comments section covered up the submit button? I tried reloading the page, but no luck. Great blog though. :)

  3. MT: The poll itself is separate, sort of, from the blog post and if you click on it, it should scroll so the submit button will appear from under the comment section... I think.

    Try again! :)

  4. Three years! You are doing fantastic!

  5. Happy blogiversary! (now I could change my answer from yes I read your blog but I never comment to "comment on blogiversaries"!

  6. Fun survey, and happy Blogiversary to my bloggy twin - so funny that we were "born" on the same day! Here's to many more.

  7. Happy Blogiversary!!! I think I entered the blogging world just a few months after you...6 to be exact =)

  8. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  9. Congratulations on your milestone.

  10. A happy belated blogiversary! Cheers to another three years.

  11. Happy blogiversary! Wishing you many more years of blog fun.

    Diary of an Eccentric
