Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Sunday Salon:Last Week and This Week

As much as I wanted to jump right into my new books from yesterday's adventure, I am instead being "good" and reading from previous piles today.

First, this week I read and finished Zel by Donna Jo Napoli for book club this month. We're doing fairy tale retellings, something we've all been looking forward to. I'd love to find time to re-read Beauty by Robin McKinley for our discussion, but I'm not sure I'll get it fit in.

So, just last night, I finally picked up a book sent to me ages ago it seems, Haven by Beverly Patt, and I'm finding it to be a very cute and engaging story so far. I'm really enjoying it and hope to have time to maybe even finish it today during my Sunday reading.

That is if Robin Hood and his gorgeous gang (and enemies) don't distract me from reading later this evening. (I won't have a Superbowl problem, in case you wondered. Robin Hood trumps football any day in my book! Well, maybe I'll peek at half-time....)

This past week has been....busy.... interesting.... crazy.... you name it.

First, we set up, ran and took down yet another book fair. And since it's now tradition to reveal what I bought there, here's that list.

Catmagic by Holly Webb (because this was the only one my 5th grade daughter really wanted)

Ruined by Paula Morris (because it looked intriguing)

Stepping on the Cracks by Mary Downing Hahn (because we seem to be collecting her books, and besides, it won an award, the Scot O'dell Award)

The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt (because it also won the Newbery Honor, and I seem to remember hearing lots about it)

And that's it for this book fair. I didn't buy much this time around.

Blogging-wise this week I hosted a guest post by Angela Morrison. The giveaway for her book is still going on through this week, so don't forget to enter! Also, we had a new Bookword poll go up, so be sure to come by and vote.

Then there was yesterday and my author stalking. Oh, and I posted a Weekly Geek assignment, so really, you should go do it! :)

Also, this week, my son participated in the Battle of the Bands. They did an AWESOME job, but were jipped with some sound problems. Somehow, the guitar sound wasn't working, so there they they were doing an amazing job with Muse's song Hysteria, wailing their hearts out, and the audience could barely hear it. It was so frustrating I can still hardly think about it. Anyway, such is the life of being in a band I guess. Whatever.

And this very same son had a birthday and turned 15 years old this week. Sheesh, time flies. And I'm getting old. Weird how I still feel 15 years old myself. Whatever I say again.

Oh, and then I got sick. I can't even remember the last time I was sick, so it's been an experience dealing with that. Yucky stuff.

Coming up this next week, I plan on doing more author stalking at the free science fiction and fantasy conference going on nearby. I especially look forward to hearing Brandon Sanderson and his keynote address on Saturday.

I think I also signed up to help with a Valentine Party at the 5th grade too, on Friday. Maybe I can get out of that one? Ugh.

I've got to review a bunch of books this week too. And read a bunch. Wow, I've stacks and stacks that I want to read RIGHT NOW! It's so hard to pick and choose and not have that panicky feeling that you'll never get to them all!

Never a dull moment around here, that's for sure.

So how was your week?

When you get new books, do you drop other books to read them, or do they get in line and wait their turn?


  1. That is so frustrating! I hope you can get one of their practices (or future performances) of that song on tape and post it for us. I would LOVE to hear it!!

  2. I always drop a book I own for a library book. (Due dates, you know).

    I've got a book fair coming up in a week. Can't wait.

  3. I loved the Wednesday Wars. I tried some of his other books but this one was my favorite.

  4. You have no idea how badly I would like to go to a book fair--it's been years!

  5. I am not always good about letting books get in line - I often skip around. That is how books get lost on the TBR . . . I could really use a system if anyone has suggestions!

  6. An eventful week for sure! I hope you're feeling better now. I see to have had a cold on and off throughout my whole 7 months of pregnancy, and I feel another one coming on. Ugg!

  7. Michelle, yes, I'll try to do that, because really, for a bunch of 14 year olds (and now my one 15 year old) they can do that song pretty dang good!

    Readerbuzz, library books do tend to do that. I have one I've renewed already and really really need to finish now!

    Laura, hopefully it won't take me forever to get to this one.

    Reviewsbylola, you should see if there's one in your area! I'm sure they'd love to have you!

    Booksync, no system suggestions here. I skip around a lot too. I feel like "mood" reading is really the way to go anyway, for the most part.

  8. Andi, oh not fun... well, soon it will all be over and then hopefully that cold will finally leave you! And you'll have a baby to show for it too! :)

  9. Hi Suey,
    Thanks for the shout out about HAVEN. Hope you enjoy the rest of it:)
    Regarding picking a book out of my TBR stack, I too tend to be a 'mood reader' tho once I've started a book, I have to stick with it. My pea brain can't store more than one story at a time!


  10. Bev, I finished it yesterday and LOVED it. Yes, I got all weepy and everything! Review to come soon....
