Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Author Stalking Day

Today was quite the fun bookish day! One of our local Barnes and Noble stores hosted an Authorpalooza event this afternoon, with thirty authors stationed around their store signing books. I almost didn't go, since I have what's turning out to be one doozer of a head cold.

But I couldn't stand the thought of missing out on the fun, so I piled the whole family in the car, and drug them off with me on my latest author stalking adventure! Luckily, they all went willingly, for the most part anyway.

So here's the thing.... how am I supposed to keep track of all these authors and get all their books read? It's like, almost painful to me, to walk around, meet them all, and seriously want to buy and read all their books.

But I ended up buying only three books... and can you guess how much that cost? Three books? Fifty dollars!!! For three books! Sheesh.

But I did gather up a bunch of cards and bookmarks, so I can remember everyone I met and read their books sometime down the road. And I did try my best to come out of my stupid shy shell for a bit and actually talk to them too.

I even took a camera, but do you know, I didn't take one single picture. But Natasha was there taking all kinds of pictures and videos, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her post about this soon.

Books I bought:

The Last Waltz by G.G. Vandagriff: an historical romance set during WWI
The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum: a time traveling YA romance
Hashbrown Winters and the Mashimoto Madness by Frank L. Cole: an MG comedy

Books I brought from home to get signed:

The Maze Runner by James Dashner
The 13th Reality Book1 by James Dahsner
The Princess and the Hound by Mette Ivie Harrison
The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain

Books I forgot to bring to have signed:

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George

Books I would have bought if they wouldn't have run out:

Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George

Books I wish I could have bought if books didn't cost so dang much:

Second Chances by Linda Chadwick
My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters by Sydney Salter
My Fairy Grand Mother by Aubrey Mace
Reiyalindis by Cory Poulson
The Dragon War Relic by Berin Stephens
... just to name a few

Anyway, it was fun to meet some "new to me" authors and to say hi to some "old to me" authors. Next week, maybe I'll see some of them again at the next local bookish event. As far as bloggers go, I saw Natasha from Maw Books, and Heather from Fire and Ice, and I tried to catch Brodi Ashton, but wasn't fast enough. And so.... where were all you other Utah bloggers, hmmmm???? Next time, right?


  1. Why didn't you catch me? I'm sorry I missed you. I had my kids there too, and that definitely adds to the running/chasing part.

    Hopefully we'll catch up soon. Fun event!

  2. I totally forgot.

    And I have no money for new books. :(

    And my parents offered to take us out to an early dinner. Hard to pass up free food. :D

    Darn it all, now I'm bugged at myself for forgetting...

  3. SOOO fun! I was in heaven and yes, I wish I had more money for books :)

  4. I am extremely happy that my book was one of the three you chose. I hope you love it! Don't forget to go to the website ( to see the inside and outside of some of the gorgeous buildings of the lost Empire. Happy Reading!

  5. Wow that sounds like a great event!

  6. I was there! I had a blast. I'll have a post up sometime this week, depending on school. You did much better at escaping without doing too much in damages.I know I spent way too much. I had only heard of like 5 of the authors. Most of them were so friendly.

  7. I ended up spending the day in bed. I kept saying, "oh I want to go so bad" and then lying back down, feeling dreadful. Now I feel very sad I missed it. What event is next week?

  8. Brodi: First you were talking to someone, so I waited... then when I looked up again, you were going right out the door!

    Britt: Next time!

    Heather: Wouldn't it be nice just to buy whatever you felt like?

    GGV: I can't wait to get to it, but as I said... it may have to wait its turn, sadly enough....

    Amused: Yes, very fun stuff.

    Catie: Yes, the authors are a blast. Next time, we'll have to "find" each other!

    Melissa: Bummer that you felt icky. Hopefully next time for you too, right? B and N is doing it again in Orem in Sept. or something they said. This next week is LTUE at BYU.
