Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Sunday Salon: Top Ten Blogging Memories of 2009

It's been a great blogging year for me and so I thought it would be fun to look back on the year and highlight some of my favorite blogging memories.

1. In October, I participated in the 24 Hour Readathon for the first time. I've watched from the sidelines since the very first one, but finally, this time around, it was on a weekend where I could actually make it happen for me. That was so fun, and a great family event at our house.

2. This year, I started some of my own blog features including Suey's Top Tens, Authors Pick Five, The Bookword Game (with Raidergirl3 of An Adventure in Reading), The Printz Project (with Jessica of The Bluestocking Society) and most recently, Support Your Local Authors Challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to keep them going and improve upon them during this next year.

3. All year, I regularly contributed to the Weekly Geeks blog with assignment ideas. Very fun, however, I am starting to run out of ideas, so if you have any suggestions, let me know... please! :)

4. In the summer I did a complete blog makeover with new colors and headers, and tabs , etc. That was fun. Hopefully I'll learn more this next year on how I can make it look even better.

5. I discovered ARCS and ARCS discovered me! We're still moving slowly with that relationship because I want to leave plenty of room for that "for fun" spontaneous reading category which I feel is so important.

6. I invited a blogger friend to be part of my real life face to face book club... and so far it seems to be working out well. How cool is that? Cool, I say.

7. My subscriber and follower numbers rose steadily all year, which is always fun to watch, and a good sign that I'm "not dead yet" after nearly three years at it. Much of that has to do with that wonderful week in September called Book Blogger Appreciation Week.

8. I have made lots of new book bloggin' buddies over this past year, due in part to BBAW, but also because of our two Utah Book Blogger Bashes held this last year, one in early January, and one in late August.

9. I won the first Blog Post Bingo hosted by Kim from Sophisticated Dorkiness earlier this year, and in the process learned lots of new ways to blog besides just reviews, memes and randomness.

10. I participated in my first ever guest posts, one at Kailana's Music Munday, and another at Julie of Booking Mama's book club exchange.

In general, I've seen lots of changes this past year: massive giveaway opportunities, author interviews skyrocketing, lots of controversial heated discussions, Twitter becoming a major connecting tool, publishing companies marketing to bloggers and just lots and lots more bloggers joining the fun. It's been a blast to be part of it all!

Here's to more fun and changes and excitement in 2010!

So, what are some of your favorite blogging memories of 2009?


  1. This top 10 thing is a great idea. I think I'll save it for my blogoversary, though, since I only started in May.

    Glad to have met you!

  2. WOW -- 3 years -- that is just awesome! I look forward to reading your blog in 2010!

  3. I'm hoping to join in on the blogista in January and fix up my blog.

  4. What a great list. I'm glad to see you got into the swing of things more this past year. I've enjoyed following along and reading your blog, although I haven't commented much.

    Definitely try not to get carried away with the ARCs. That's what I did last year and this year and I've barely read any books all year that weren't review books. Less than 5 probably.

  5. A neat list and a great idea! I wish you happy blogging in 2010!!

  6. Thanks for including the BIP win on this list -- that's awesome! I'm excited to do more rounds of Blog Post Bingo in the coming year :)

  7. This is a great idea, Suey! It's got me thinking about all the highlights from this past year. I discovered your blog this year and the Utah Blogger Bash would definitely be on my list as well. :)

  8. I did more blogging in 2009 than I've ever done, and I started in 2007! It's been fun and I hope it will continue to be. Just joined The Sunday Salon and am finding this interesting too, to share books and ideas.
