Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Sunday Salon: Nothing New Here

Today, I'm trying to relax and read, but I can't. The stress level has been pretty high, and I just keep thinking there's something I should be doing. So when I try to read, I can't even concentrate on the words at all.

TV seems to be good though! This weekend we watched Julie and Julia finally. And Angels and Demons too. Julie and Julia was pretty fun. I liked the whole blogging aspect.... but the food and cooking angle just depresses me. And Angels and Demons was pretty much what I expected... I loved the music, but the story made me sleepy and I fought to keep my eyes open.

Tonight we look forward to me TV watching with the Survivor finale. I'm finding myself suddenly routing for quiet boy Brett. And I'd love to see sneaky Russel blind sided. Nice. I guess we'll soon see.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to read Graceling. I've looked forward to it forever it seems, and now.... I can't concentrate. I sure hope once Christmas comes and goes, that the NEXT week is good for reading. Because let me just say, I won't be short of any reading material.

Some things to check out:

-- The Best Books of 2009: A Flashlight Worthy List

-- Got local authors to support? I have a challenge for you! :)

Well, I guess that's it for now. It's crazy around here in real life, but boring in blogging life. I doubt I'll be around much this next week. But I think that's the same story for everyone, right?

So have a great week everybody!


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling stressed, Suey. The season will be over before you know it and things will return to normal.:-)

    Take care and have a great week!

  2. Yes, before we know it we'll be complaining because we are bored!

    I just keep reminding myself to breathe!

  3. So right there with you. It's just a couple days til Christmas, so there's sure to be something I'm supposed to be doing, right? Except that there's not...

    Sigh. Sometimes being ready early is just as annoying...
