Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readathon: Let The Games Begin!

I'm so excited to be participating in my first readathon today! Yeah!! :)

This morning, I'm reading first from The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. See, this way I'll be successful and feel like I'm accomplishing something right off the bat! So far, no kids are up with me. Maybe in an hour or so. We'll see.

Already there's a mini challenge going on with a few little questions:

Where are you reading from today?

As in geographically location? Utah. As in where I'm reading? The couch!

3 facts about me …
- I have four kids, two boys, two girls. Oldest is 20, youngest is 10.

- I work a few hours a week at the library in the administrative office.

- I love music, TV, movies, chocolate, travelling, quilting, food, reading, blogging and fall! Just to name a few.

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?

Um... lots. I put pictures up yesterday, but I didn't count. Like 15 or so?

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?

I have no goals except to play it all by ear and see what happens, and to not stress about it all. This is fun! It would be nice if I could get a book or two read though.

If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time?

I'm a first timer, and so advice would be cool. I'm excited just to see if I really can handle reading for a whole day.


  1. What a great site! I love it!

  2. Have fun today!! I'm not reading (for various reasons), but I'm cheerleading and hosting a mini challenge tonight. I LOVE that your kids are participating with you. Happy reading! (PS I love quilting too!)

  3. Woohoo! Good luck with the read-a-thon! Starting off with a book you can knock off quickly is a great idea.

  4. Traditional read-a-thon blessing:

    May the bookshelf be there to greet you.
    May all the books appeal.
    May the fridge be full of tasty snacks;
    the words fall soft upon your eyes and until the read-a-thon ends,
    may you always hold a book in the palm of your hand.

    Good luck today!

  5. I saw your pin in the Google Map - just a bit away from mine - and decided to come and say hi!

    I'm saving Dog Days for later when I'm getting really tired! (My 10yo son is happily lending me his copy.) :)

  6. My name is Louise, and I am from Copenhagen, Denmark. Though this is my first visit to your blog, I am already hoping to be able to come back more when the whole Read-a-Thon busyness has come down ;-)

    The Read-a-Thon began for me at 2 PM, since 5 AM Pacific Time means 2 PM Copenhagen Time ;) I hope to be able to hang around for many more hours... I am not reading though, but having a lot of fun working my way through a lot of great blogs to cheer. GO! GO! GO!

    I am a first time read-a-thonner myself :)

  7. Great afternoon and the leaves are falling, wind is whipping through the trees here in Auburn, Alabama, great time to curl up with that next book and keep on reading!!! Hot chocolate and cookies have got to be around there somewhere!!

    Go Reading,Go Reading,Go Reading!!!
    the Transcendentalists team!
