Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readathon: First Update

Sheesh, nearly two hours in already? Here's my first report:

What I'm reading now: Going to start The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry, a library book.

Did I finish anything since last update: Finished Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. Loved it! :)

How many pages read since last update: 217 pages

How many hours/minutes read since last update: One hour and 15 min. of reading

What the family is reading: Toto just got up to join the fun and is reading The Lightning Thief. She is on page 240 at the moment.

Distractions we are dealing with: Daughter JJ just left to go take the ACT test, Kitty is walking around acting like she needs attention, and I'm hungry! Oh, there's the blogging/computer/Twitter thing too. ACK!!


  1. Turn off twitter if it's distracting you. That way you can get more done. Happy reading.

  2. 217? That rocks! I'm ignoring most of twitter.

  3. I snuck that new Wimpy Kid book into Sams bucket of books last night after he went to bed. He isn't up yet so he hasn't seen it---but I know he will love it! You are doing a great job!

  4. You and Toto are doing good, Suey! Good luck to Jo Jo with the ACT test.

  5. Oh you gotta love the ACT.

    I want to read The Amaranth Enchantment. Interested to read your review...
