Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Sunday Salon: So Far This Year

Welcome to July and the 2nd half of the year! Here's a six month wrap up of my reading this year.

This year so far:

I've read 40 books.

27 of those have been YA books.

Most of those have NOT been challenge books, but have been "for fun" or spur of the moment books.

None of them have been NF books.

It appears I'm going down the very same path I have the last few years! Surprise surprise.

If I made a Top Ten of the year so far, here's what would make the cut:

Taken by Storm by Angela Morrison
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
The Guernsy Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Wings by Aprilynne Pike
Just One Wish by Janette Rallison
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
Beach Trip by Cathy Holton

Last year at this time:

I had read 53 books. I was in the process of discovering Jessica Day George, J. Scott Savage and Janette Rallison. I was currently reading Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult. I had just finished An Abundance of Katherines by John Green and The Last Lecture by Randy Paush, both of which ended up on the Top Ten list of the year. I was blogging about Favorite Literary Couples, which has continued to be one of my most popular posts since!

My ongoing goals for the rest of this year:

Read more classics.
Finish War and Peace.
Read more NF.
Read some Printz winners/honors.
Work on the TBR at my house and not add to it!

HEY! Did you know I'm trying to create a library corner at my house? Yes, I've cleared out the barbie house, the Xbox junk and other toys, and made a corner in the basement where the plan is to put some more book shelves. Next on the list, paint. Then the shelves after that. I hope it turns out how I envision it. We'll see. I'll post pictures when there's something picture worthy to post!

And so far today, I've read absolutely nothing! So, I guess that means it's time to get off and get reading.


  1. In previous years, I didn't read very much YA (I had no idea how good YA was before December!!), but this year, I'm following a very similar pattern, with a high prevelance of YA books.

  2. I am trying to read NF, but I just can't do it! I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...:)

  3. so glad i found your site!!
    i love YA! some of my favorite books!!
    all best,

  4. Amanda and Robin: Yeah for YA! :)

    Chantele: You can do it! Which ones are you trying to read?

  5. Oooh, I hope your reading corner comes out just like your hoping! Can't wait for the photos! (And I'm sure you can't either, because that probably means it's ready to use!)

  6. What a fun wrap up! Sounds like you are doing awesome. And your reading corner sounds like it's so much fun!
