Friday, March 20, 2009

A Mini Dewey Books Challenge

I just realized that Softdrink over at Fizzy Thoughts is giving us "Dewey's Books Challenge" participants a mini-challenge (so okay, I haven't been being too much attention I guess!) and that is to write a list of something about one of our Dewey books, or authors, or anything along those lines.

So since I love list making, I thought I'd go for this one, and write a list about M.T. Anderson, an author of one of my upcoming Dewey books, and one that I really know nothing about.

M.T. Anderson:

  • The M stands for Matthew and the T stands for Tobin.

  • He was born in 1967 and is from Massachusetts.

  • He writes picture books, middle grade books, and YA books.

  • His first book is called Thirsty and is a vampire book, from what I can tell.

  • He got a National Book Award, and a Printz Honor for The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Volume 1: The Pox Party which is what I'll be reading shortly, hopefully!

  • He also got many awards for Feed, which I've heard is a pretty intense, disturbing book.

  • In which John Green blogs about how he thinks Vol 2 of Octavian Nothing is the best book of the past year

  • An M.T. Anderson quote: "It's insulting to believe that teens should have a different kind of book than an adult should. Teens like challenges. They know the world is complicated, they can tell when a book is simplifying life. If we're going to ask our kids at age 18 to go off to war and die for their country, I don't see any problem with asking them at age 16 to think about what that might mean."

  • Previous jobs include: He worked as a burger flipper, a department store cashier and a radio DJ.

  • I can't find any M.T. Anderson blog, and this is what he has to say about THAT when someone else had the same problem: "I have a very New Englandy horror of self-promotion, and for that reason, I haven’t put anything about me online. No real loss
    there. An MTA-blog would be a dismal record of wasted hours and frozen chicken pot pie."

One thing is certain, I can't wait to get reading about Octavian, and then from there, one to some other M.T. Anderson books!


  1. Nice! I've been meaning to read him, and I also didn't know anything about him.

  2. I want to read his eventually. The library has several of his books! I really don't need any more books at the moment, though!

  3. Cool list! I've read the book, but didn't know a single thing about the author. I'll look forward to reading your thoughts on his book.
