Monday, January 5, 2009

Dewey's Books Challenge

For Dewey's Books Challenge, I'll be reading five books during this year, 2009, which Dewey reviewed on her blog. For the official rules of this challenge, and to sign up, click HERE.

The five books I plan on reading are:

1. Gossamer by Lois Lowry

2. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

3. The Absoultely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie

4. The Wresting Game by Ellen Raskin

5. The Ashtonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Vol. 1 by M. T. Anderson

Yes, all YA books, so this one will be easy. Right? I can do this, right? :)


  1. Hi Suey, quick comment on Dewey's Books Challenge. You can get most of those books for free on (you only pay shipping). It is a book & DVD trading site.

    When you are done you can keep them or trade them back. I've read (and traded) "The Westing Game" and know it is currently available on

    When you join, please use this link so I can get credit for the referral!


  2. Of course you can do it! I love The Graveyard Book. The others all look good, but I haven't read them yet.

  3. We're so glad you are joining us for the Dewey's Books Challenge! Great list! I loved Gossamer (or anything by Lois Lowry), and got to see the play in Portland a few months ago. Enjoy!
