Tuesday, December 2, 2008

November Recap

I felt like I was in a bit of a slump for the most part of this month, but the list actually doesn't look too bad after all! Here's what I read:

Paper Towns by John Green: Q loves Margo. One day, she disappears. He goes on a hunt for her and learns a lot about her... and himself... in the process.

Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr: Deanna struggles to overcome her unfortunate reputation. She also struggles to make sense of her relationship with all those around her.

Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, illustrated by Nathan "no relation" Hale: Rapunzel gets locked up in a tower and escapes... all on her own. She hooks up with Jack and they have some rip roarin' adventures.

Man and Wife by Wilkie Collins: No good deed goes unpunished. And in Scotland, you better be careful who you say you are married to, especially if you are pretending even for just a moment.

Blink by Malcom Gladwell: In which we learn how those first impressions we have are really quite important and reliable.

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry: Towner comes home and confronts her past.

The People of Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau: Lina and Doon adjust to living above ground and discover all kinds of things about their new world.

The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett: The Queen of England likes to read. What an uproar it causes! Before you know it, she may even start writing too!

Wow, what a bunch of different kinds of books I read this month! I enjoyed them all too. Now, if I can manage 8 books in December, I'll hit the 100-books-read-this-year mark, right on the dot.


  1. A slump in November?! LOL. That is great list of read books so if that is a slump, then you must read a lot when not in a slump ;o) I haven't read any of the books on your November list myself, but they seem good.

  2. You can do it Suey! Eight will be easy. Good luck:)

  3. That doesn't look like a slumpy list at all. You read some really great stuff.

  4. 100 books in a year?! Yeah for you!! I did that one year--before I went back to work--this year I might cap out at 70+--we will see. I am really anxious to read Uncommon Reader---it looks fun. :)

  5. You read more than I usually do in an average month. :-) I am really looking forward to reading The Lace Reader and The Uncommon Reader. I wonder if there's some unconscious pull because the word "reader" appears in both titles . . .
