Monday, December 1, 2008

Dewey, We'll Miss You

I'm having a hard time believing what I just read as I'm going through my favorite blogs this morning. Dewey, we'll all miss you! In a big big way. The blog blogging world will not be the same without you. Hugs to your family.


  1. I can't believe it either :( I'm just....speechless.

  2. Oh my! I got to your post first because they come up alphabetical. I hadn't made it that far yet today. How sad! :-(

  3. It is so very sad. I also just read it and am quite speechless.

  4. I'm in shock. What sad news! She definitely will be missed.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  5. It's been a sad day. So, so many tributes. I wonder if she had any idea just how many of us appreciated her.

  6. Yours was the first post I read about Dewey, and I was so shocked I couldn't even think of anything to say yesterday. What sad news. She will be missed.

  7. I was thinking that it might be nice for those bloggers who are Weekly Geeks to pay tribute to Dewey in the next week or so. To take the time to post to their blogs a "Weekly Geek" post about Dewey--maybe share their favorite posts from her site, maybe share a memory or two about participating in weekly geeks, the bookworms carnival, the 24 Hour Readathon, or one of Dewey's challenges, maybe just share a favorite memory of Dewey in general, what they'll miss most, how they'll remember her, etc. I'm going to try to post mine this Saturday--but bloggers anywhere and everywhere are encouraged to post whenever they want.

    If you're interested please SPREAD the word to all your blogging friends.

    Note: You wouldn't have to have been an 'official' weekly geek to join in on this. New participants joined on a weekly basis. There was always room for more then...and now.
