Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday

1. So far, Breaking Dawn is so not what I expected.

2. I'm loving this week's Weekly Geek assignment! Mine'll be posted tomorrow.

3. Well, so far it appears that those who have entered my first book give-away will have excellent odds!

4. Moder (13 year old son) finished Farworld: Water Keep and is now anxious for the second book... and the first one hasn't even officially come out yet!

5. Oh, yeah. Camping was fun. I hiked to the top of quite a large mountain... 12,000 feet high. (See picture.) My legs are still hurtin'.

6. The mess in this house is not pretty. And it's not getting cleaned up anytime soon.... what with Breaking Dawn yelling at me and all.

7. There's STILL a fire on the mountain in my backyard... I'm getting really sick of the smoky air.

8. Hey... did I tell you I won one of the many blog contests going on? I won a $5 gift card for Borders from The Kool Aid Mom. Cool, huh? (And she had hundreds of entries! Hundreds! How'd she do that?)

9. Any David Archuleta fans out there? We've been constantly listening to his new song:

10. Well, enough thought production for now. Have a lovely Tuesday all you people!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie's favorite idol is David Archuleta. This year is the only time I've ever watched AI all the way to the end. I rooted for Cook, whose family is from my hometown, and Mags was cheering for D.A. It was a good Idol!
