Monday, August 4, 2008

The Sunday Salon: Follow Up to the First Post

Since I had a few questions about City of Ember, I thought I'd elaborate.

First the trailer for the movie that I said was coming. I wondered if I dreamt it, but nope, here it is:

And HERE is the IMDB information, which we all know is THE place to learn about movies.

And now a little story.

So, we're heading off on the camping trip. I decide to read this City of Ember book first. We got this one, AND the two sequels... (yes Table Talk.. there are sequels out) for Christmas last year and I'm just now picking them up. So, anyway. I start reading it, and get VERY much into the story right off. That first evening, after we've set up camp and played and ate, it's finally time to settle down to bed, and of course, read, read, read. I'm reading along, when suddenly, I start reading the next page and go... "WHAT?" Then I look back at the other page and up at the next page again. It didn't make sense. Then I look at the page numbers. "Oh, crap!" I said, and my husband, who in the meantime is trying to quietly do his own reading, said, "What in the world is the matter?"

Well, one page number was 120... and the next one was 152! I couldn't believe it! It makes me crazy! It is was a such a good part too!

So, I guess I'm heading to Barnes and Noble, which is where I think this book came from, to hope they'll exchange it for me after nearly a year. I bet I can even find the receipt!

Meanwhile, I've got my hands on Breaking Dawn, which is why I'm leaving you now to go and read that one!

(Have you signed up to win a book yet?)


  1. Awk! Pages being misnumbered is a bummer.

  2. Yes, I got a better copy and last night I finished it! I loved it! Why have I not read this one before?
