Tuesday, January 21, 2020

December 2019 Reading Recap

December  Book Club!!

I finished the year off with three more books read in December:

Love and Other Train Wrecks by Leah Konen: When two kids get together accidentally on a train ride and the train breaks down... adventure ensues.

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden: A beautiful story based on a Russian folktale.

The Undoing of Thistle Tate by Katelyn Detweiler: What does Thistle do when her secret that she is NOT really the author of the famous Marigold books get leaked?

Favorites: Eh, they were all enjoyable. The Bear and the Train Wreck each got 4 stars, so I guess they tie for favorites of the month!

Goals for January:

  • Get going on the Scythe Neal Shusterman series in preparation for his appearance in April in which I get to sit by him and open his books for signing... LOL! At least, that's the plan last I heard. We'll see if it happens.
  • Finish off reading for the Beehive long list! I have one more on my kindle as of this writing. But I think the deadline is looming...
  • Re-read The Name of the Wind for book club... but this ain't happening sadly. I will just have to go look at blog posts to remember how much I loved this book.
  • Read Evan Hansen before the musical happens in a month or so.

Stay tuned for year end lists. I still plan on doing them! This first part of January has been INSANE, so... blogging has not happened. But. I'm here.

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