Monday, May 18, 2015

Book Review Discussion: The Fill-in Boyfriend by Kasie West

Book: The Fill-in Boyfriend by Kasie West
Genre: YA Romance
For: Fun
From: Bought from Amazon

Short Synopsis: When Gia has last minute issues at prom (for instance her boyfriend just dumped her,) she asks a random dude sitting in his car in the parking lot to fill in for her. Because she's really worried what her friends think. See, they don't believe she's really had a boyfriend. So this random guy fills in and does an amazing acting job. Then they pretend to break up at prom and he's off the hook. And that's the end of that. Or is it? Yeah, stuff keeps happening that brings them together and you can probably guess what happens next!

My Response: I got this book from Amazon, dropped everything and read it that day. Don't you love it when that happens? :) So much fun. The story is simple but each of these characters have things that need working through and it's fun to watch them take that journey. As always, I loved the characters and Mr. Random Parking Lot Guy aka. The Fill-in Boyfriend is especially swoon worthy.

Bottom Line: Fun, read-it-in-a-day sort of book!

Let's Talk About: Do you have an author whose books you'll drop everything to read the minute you get your hands on them? An author whose books are great comfort reads and who's stories just make you happy? So, who is that author and what do you love about their books?

Other Reviews:

I don’t know what it is about Kasie’s books, but they just hook me in and I’ve never not read one of her books in more than a day. From Mostly Book Obsessed 

I felt so bad for Gia that she had those issues with her friends, that she didn’t have people she could trust. But I loved the new friendships she was making, they were so much better for her and more likeable. From This Blonde Reads

However, it's much more than a cute, fluffy romance novel for the summer. It is a slightly intense self-discovery novel with romance.  From Feminist Reflections

The Fill-In Boyfriend will make your heart melt with the budding romance, amazing characters, and an inspirational message! From Dark Faerie Tales


  1. I've got this one on my tbr list. I just need to get my hands on it. I have authors who I love but I wouldn't say I'd drop anything for them. Well, except Markus. If his book finally came out I'd be all over it.

  2. I used to have authors like that, lol. But, now, I just read books when I get to them or when I'm in the mood. But, I still get their books the day they come out. Cassandra Clare is the main one in that category now.

    Before, it was JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyer and I did drop everything when their new books came out.

    1. Jenni: I did too! I remember those days. :)

  3. I wish I did this! I don't really read that spontaneously any more.
