Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Armchair BEA 2015: Intro Questions and a Little Library Love

It's time for Armchair BEA again! I can't believe a whole year has flown by! Today it's Introduction Day. So I've picked five questions (oops maybe more) to answer. But, it's also Highlight Your Library Day. I did this awhile back, but I'll post a thought or two again. See below.

But first, here's a bit about me:

What is your theme song?
Right now? How about My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark by Fall Out Boy. I have no idea what this song actually has to do with me except that I love it and think it's one the best rock song, head banging things out there right now. Which just makes me happy.

What is one book everyone should read?
Guys!!! How many times do I have to say this!?? THE BOOK THIEF! 

Sorry. I got a little excited there. :)

Share your favorite blog post on your blog. (aka written by you!)

I've always been partial to that one time that I talked about going to author signings.

What book are you most looking forward to reading this summer?

There's a book I downloaded on my Kindle called The Bronze Horseman that I heard is quite the epic love story. I'm so much in the mood for this, so I hope to get to it sometime this summer and see if I agree.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what author would you want to bring with you? Why?

GUYS! Sigh. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. . .

And why? Because then I could have my own personal "how to be an amazing writer " lesson. And we could sit there on the beach and write and learn and write and learn. Doesn't that sound awesome? Oh, and also, this:

Take a picture of your bookshelf and share it with us! :) (#ABEAShelfie)

You do realize I have over twenty bookshelves in my house, right? Which one would you like? Well, here's the one by my bed with books that I hope to read soon.

Library Love!

As for my library, well, I don't even know where to start. I work there, you see, which I means I pretty much love it and think it's awesome and all the librarians are awesome and the whole collection is amazing and... yeah. It's a pretty cool library. I posted this video awhile back, but just in case you missed it, here it is again:


  1. I love it! Luckily I've already read The Book Thief so can continue reading your blog free-from guilt!

    1. Jackie: LOL! I need to come up with another "you have to read this book" I guess!

  2. Libraries are the best places to work!
    Here's to a great Armchair BEA week!

  3. I love Book Thief, but it cracks me up because I think that there are like 20 different covers out there! I love it!

    1. Wesley: I had to use another cover this time just to be different!

  4. Love the video! Made me quite nostalgic for my time working in the library. And the book drop. Yep. That's how it is. LOL

  5. I knew you'd highlight The Book Thief and/or Markus Zusak in some way. I guess I just know you really well. ;)

  6. Haha! How did I know you would find a way to mention The Book Thief, Markus Zusak AND your library? ;)

    1. Michelle: LOL! I'm getting good at this, aren't I! :)

  7. Loved the video. Though it seemed like the crowd wasn't appreciating him very much.

    1. Jenny: I noticed all the empty seats and was like... GAH! PEOPLE!

  8. Your shelves look like mine.. lol... Happy ABEA!

  9. I love how much you love the Book Thief :) I adore your book shelves too.

    1. Julie: LOL! You aren't getting sick of my love on MZ and the Book Thief yet? :)

  10. Loved The Book Thief too! The Bronze Horseman was very good. Enjoy!

    1. Nise: Is it? The Bronze Horseman I mean? Is it truly and epic love story?

  11. I think I really need to get The Book Thief off my TBR stacks and into my currently reading shelf ...
