Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Make Me Swoon

What? The Broke and Bookish topic today is swooning? Have I not talked about this enough already? Ha! I guess not. And in case you missed it and would like to see my swoony guest post from last week, I might as well milk it a bit more and give you the link yet again... check it out over at Book Bloggers International where I discuss swooning in depth!

But today, I'll list some of my favorite swoony books. Hmmmm, how to narrow it down.

Top Ten Favorite Swoony Books
(Wait, I must say that sometimes I get the books and movies mixed up. Is it the BOOK that's swoony or the movie? Or both? Take that into consideration!)

1. North and South. While Richard Armitage and the pulling off of that last scene is incredible, I still maintain that the book itself is also swoony. "Look back! Look back at me!" Poor Mr. Thornton.

2. Through the Ever Night has one of my favorite swoony kissing scenes ever. The build up was perfect.

3. The Legend series. Day is just an around wonderful swoony character. I'm not sure what it is... he has that swagger I talked about in my post last week, and also that kindness and gentlemanliness. Truly, he has it all.

4. Unravel Me has some very swoony moments. And we aren't supposed to be enjoying them, because Warner is the bad guy. Right? He is, isn't he?

5. Both Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door have swoony boys. The first one an exotic British dude, and the other an ordinary yet perfect boy next door. I swoon for them both.

6. The Sky is Everywhere. It's been awhile since I read this one, but I wrote a character connection post awhile back where I listed all the wonderful swoony bits about it/him.

7. Blackmore by Julianne Donaldson...there's this leaf fight and then a moment afterwards. Swoon. Also, not to metion all the propoals this book has, fake for one, real for the other. Swoon.

8. There's a very swoony horse riding scene in The Scorpio Races that I just died over.

9. There are parts all over in The Queen of Atolia that could make a person swoon. The intensity of that relationship is just... I can't even... just...CRAZY.

10. "In vain I have struggled, it will not do." Yep. That.

What are your favorite books with SWOON? I can't wait to hear! Link up over at The Broke and the Bookish! Also, don't forget to link up your Literary Love posts here!

(P.S. I really wish my computer would recognize swoony as a word.)


  1. Yep you choose some very swoony books :) I agree with most of them because I have read most of them :)

    1. Julie: Do you have a favorite in the bunch?

  2. I also died over The Scorpio Races. Love that book!

    I've only read the first book in the Legend series but Day is swoony already! Can't wait to continue this series.

    1. Avid: Yes. The Scorpio Races has a slow burn swoon constantly on.

  3. Haha I totally thought of you when I saw what the topic was for this week. :) We have quite a few in common. I should have put the Legend books on my list. Swoon. :)

    1. Kathy: Weird how that reputation is out there now!

  4. I'm tickled to see North and South on your list since I'll be reading it this year. AND, I loved Anna and the French Kiss! I have Lola and the Boy Next Door waiting for me, so I'm glad to know it's swoony too!

    1. Andi: You haven't read it yet? Are you doing a read along? If not, we are pondering the idea...

  5. I really can't think like this, so I am skipping this weeks topic. I didn't leave myself enough time to think about it!

    1. Kelly: You can't find your swoon today? I'm surprised at how many people are saying the same thing!

  6. I am such a crappy swooner. I'm not a fan of typical romance at all. But you know which book is super swoon-worthy to me??? The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. Swoon-worthy for sure!!!

    And thanks for the Lit Love!

    1. Rebecca: Is there such a thing as a crappy swooner? :) We all swoon at different things. I'll have to bump The Song of Achilles up my pile. It's been on the kindle for awhile now.

  7. The last quote for sure. Sigh!

  8. I'm gonna have to add all the ones I haven't read from this onto my list.

  9. I'm with you - how to limit myself to just ten this week? I didn't even put P&P, Jane Eyre, or Wuthering Heights on my list b/c I just assumed they were all givens :-) Great list!

  10. I haven't read a good swoony scene in a long time - I think it might be time for a good love story.
