Sunday, February 2, 2014

Currently: Everything is Gonna Be Okay


Listening: The Canadian Tenors. I haven't talked about them for awhile, but yep. They are still among my favorites. Love. Perfect for a Sunday morning actually.

Watching: Sherlock and Downton Abbey tonight! All this talk about a football game? Pshaw. I'll be watching other things and/or reading and/or writing. Maybe, just maybe, I'll check out the halftime or a commercial. Because those things are much more down my alley!

Reading: Just started The Forgotten Garden for book club. I can tell already I'm going to love it. It has SAGA written all over it, and I'm sucker for sagas.

Writing: We had a little Twitter write along this week with our newly formed writing group. That was fun. Hopefully my followers weren't too bugged seeing it in their feed. We might figure out how to do a hangout next time. But anyway, I wrote almost all of the new chapter two. I feel like I pretty much need to change everything from what I wrote for Nano. It's not really revising. It's starting over. Is this normal?

Also writing letters this month, as I mentioned the other day!

Blogging: Yep, still doing it! Still having trouble finding commenting time though. Bloggiesta was successful. Looking forward to "the big one" in March. I'll be looking for mini challenge hosts for that sooner than later, so stay tuned! This month, next week to be exact, I'll be trying to participate in Love at First Book's Literally Love Week and posting lots of love posts about bookish loves. 

Also, this Wednesday my post on swooning will be up over at Book Bloggers International. I must finish that today then I guess, eh? But be sure to check it out because... because... you'll get a kick out if it I think!

Eating: I skipped dinner several days this week because of late lunches and too busy evenings. I'm thinking that's okay. Better than skipping breakfast, yes? And one dinner I even made and then no one ate it. Love it when that happens. But eating? It's overrated.

Crafting aka Wedding Planning: I need to make a ring pillow and flower girl baskets out of burlap for wedding number 1. I should have done that last week, but I guess it'll be this week instead. Wish me luck. Also, the shower is this Saturday. I have plans for a game that will need some advance preparation. Here's hoping my son is willing to participate because he'll be key. I'll find out today!


  • Kid number 3 turns 19 this week. Are you kidding me? Someone please stop time!
  • Violin daughter graduated from the Suzuki program... completing book ten! Now, on to the fun stuff she says!
  • I compiled a ton of addresses this week and hope soon to mail out invitations to wedding 1. The nice thing about having wedding number 2 a few months later? The addresses are all ready to go!
  • After watching Captain Phillips this week I've adopted a new motto for this year: "Everything is gonna be okay!"
What are you all up to currently?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, duplicate post. Anyway. Currently, I'm reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone. LOVING it! It's incredible! Looking forward to the Superbowl party tonight, which is just basically us using the game as an excuse to get together and eat and visit.

    Also. SHERLOCK. I've already seen this episode. Just you wait!! :)

  3. Cool - My book club is reading The Distant Hours this month. I've read it already however, so I should read The Forgotten Garden since I already own it.

    I've been watching Sherlock online but will be sure to catch Downton. I"m in season 2 of Sherlock. Such civilized seasons from British TV. It's possible to watch a season in a day.

  4. I must be out of the loop! I didn't realize there were two weddings going on! Busy lady. Though I got married seven months after my little sister and it was nice to be able to use a lot of her planning. Ha!

    I barely tuned into the Super Bowl. The commercials seemed a bit "meh." Hope your shows were better!

  5. I ended up down and out this past week with a horrible cold or flu ... don't know which, but I was in bed as much as possible! So glad to wake up with at least a bit of energy this morning ... just in time to clean the house!

    I think it is so cool that you are continuing to write. I keep putting it off again and again, and really need to get back to my story.

    Good luck with all your crafting and wedding planning this week, and can't wait to get your piece for BBI!!

  6. OMG!!! Sherlock last night!!!! CRAZY!!!

  7. I really liked The Forgotten Garden. I hope you enjoy it!

  8. My kids' elementary school start all the kids playing violin in second grade. They use the Suzuki method and it's amazing how much the kids learn in such a short time!

  9. You really MUST post pictures of your crafting/wedding projects!
