Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Turn Offs

Today's prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish is to list things that totally turn us off during the reading of a book. Hmmm, I guess I'll just start listing and see what comes to me!

Top Ten Turn Offs!

1. Preaching of any kind
2. When I suddenly notice that there's a big author agenda happening! Ugh.
3. One of the examples for the prompt was absent parents, and I would have to say YES to this one.
4. Whiny chick lit characters
5. Unnecessary descriptive words and adverbs, show don't tell!
6. Romantic moments that leave nothing to the imagination!
7. Torture
8. F bombs, they are rarely necessary and are usually for shock factor. I don't need that.
9. Too much explanation which tends to make me feel like the author thinks I'm really really dumb.
10. No character development at all. That'll be one sad book....

How about you? What are your book turn offs? 


  1. Good list! I agree with all those. Preachy made it to my list as well.

  2. I totally agree with your list. I read a book a few months ago that just described all the characters and did not "show" anything. It drove me crazy.

  3. Oh, yeah, I hate when an author is pushing an agenda. It's one thing to bring a topic front and center but teach me about it, don't just tell me what you think. As much as I love Barbara Kingsolver's writing, her books can descend into this.
