Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Beginnings and Endings

I'm having a hard time thinking of my favorite beginnings and endings! They are ALL good! Mostly. Anyway, so in looking back at some of my more recently (sort of) read books, here are some beginnings and endings that have stood out.

And we aren't talking specific lines here today, but the general overall beginning and/or ending. Know what I mean?

Great Beginnings

1. Under the Never Sky: there's a fire and a very bad guy, and a guy who comes out of nowhere to the rescue!

2. The Way of Kings: you will forget to breathe during this prologue, and also, you'll be introduced to one of the coolest characters you'll ever meet!

3. A Madness of Angels: this book starts with a scene that will have you reeling

4. The Maze Runner: waking up on an elevator that delivers you to a.... maze? And you remember NOTHING? Awesome.

5. Under the Dome: suddenly, a dome appears over your city and a few things just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. BAM!

Great Endings

1. The Scorpio Races: OH. MY. WORD. I can't even.
2. The Hollow City: Wait, WHAT? Did that just happen? Real, or not real?
3. Variant: No! It can't be! There's no way!
4. Everbound: Nikki! You have lost your mind.
5. Just One Day: Please, don't end now!!! There's so much to say!!!

I'd love to know what books have your favorite beginnings and endings! Link up over at The Broke and the Bookish! 


  1. I'm reading Under The Never Sky soon! I can't wait.

  2. I loved the Maze Runner. I hope the movie is good.
    I have all of your greatest endings books on my TBR list. I better get started. Great List.

  3. I also love the ending of Under the Never Sky -- just perfect!

  4. The Scorpio Races was an amazing book overall. The Maze Runner really drew you into the story from the first page!

    Check out our Top Ten

  5. I had to skip TTT this week because I totally blanked on the topic! I just could not think of anything. You brought up some good ones, though :) Happy TTT!

  6. Under The Dome does have a great beginning - bam, King just hits you with it right off the bat. I just read Beth Hoffman's Looking For Me and it has one of the best opening paragraphs I've read in a really long time. Which, of course, I'll forget about if anyone ever asks again about great beginnings!
