Sunday, July 14, 2013

Currently: Home Again

(written Sunday Morning)


** Kind of obsessed with OneRepublic's Counting Stars lately.

** Also, while traveling home the other day on the plane, I stumbled upon this guy's music and listened to it over and over for several hours. It was perfect for soothing airplane music!


** Merlin season five is on Netflix now! I have a quest to watch them all this week! :)

** Went to see Man of Steel yesterday. Very good, intense, lots of blowing up things. Henry Cavill makes for a good Superman, but for me, it will always be Christopher Reeve.

** I would like to get caught up with Falling Skies (I hope it's online) and Under the Dome ( I hope it's online too.)


** I read a book a week while on vacation. Not bed, eh? All easy YA books, which I will attempt to review this next week. (One is up already.) And now, I feel at a loss for what to read next. I'm floundering with my choices here! How weird is that?

** Utah Book Month is on board to start next month. So for August I'll be reading all (mostly) Utah authors. Excited about that.


** It's weird to be gone for so long and then try to come back to the blogging thing. You feel like you've missed a party and now you are crashing it or something. Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things. I do think the break has helped the slump I was feeling earlier. I'm ready to blog my heart out! I think.


** While on vacation we ate a simple little breakfast at our apartment (it was fun to go shopping for food in foreign countries) and then usually one bigger meal out during the day, with lots snacks like ice cream, crepes and pastries in between. I thought it was a pretty sporadic way of eating, and hoped that because of that and because of all the walking we did, I wouldn't gain much weight back (having recently lost a little) but it appears there's five pounds that made their way back anyway. Oh, well.

** So now I'm hoping to truly find a good eating balance somehow keep up the walking thing! And not let any more pounds come back, and in fact, maybe get rid of a few more. We'll see how that goes!


** It's very hot here.
** Book club is this week! I'm not sure anyone is reading the book though....
** I have weeds that need pulling.
** Twitter was crazy with all sorts of news last night. Were you paying attention?
** I made homemade root beer this week. It was good.
** Now I need to go get ready for church. Later!


  1. I love Merlin and am sad that the series is over!! :(

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. Angie: Me too! So sad! And I have yet to watch them all even!

  2. Welcome home...and back to earth! I hope your trip was everything wonderful that you hoped for. How did your daughter like her experience??

  3. I agree with you about Christopher Reeve. Cavill is definitely good, but I love my old school versions sooooo much!!
