Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I HAD to Buy!

Ah... books I bought because I just HAD to and still haven't read! There's tons of them. I'm going to list some that I haven't listed on other lists lately, just for some variety.

Top Ten Books I Bought but Have YET to Read

1. People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks (heard awesome things)
2. A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott (someone recommended)
3. The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende (love this author!)
4. Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal (met her last year)
5. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Vol II by M.T. Anderson (loved the first one, needed more)
6. The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson (a companion to the Mistborn books)
7. Eon by Allison Goodman (people rave about this fantasy)
8. Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson (first one ended in a cliff hanger)
9. First Light by Rebecca Stead (meet her and so bought this one for a signing)
10. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler (massive blogging buzz awhile back)

.... just to name ten! As you all well know, there's so many more!

Have you read these? Which ones am I crazy for not dropping everything to read NOW?

Here's to reading ALL DAY LONG for a YEAR just to catch up!!!

What books are on your list today? Link on up over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. seriously haven't read any of those but have heard of some of them

  2. Eon is also on my list! :) I'm so excited to read that!

    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  3. That's the nice thing about books--they always wait for you. good luck with your reading kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  4. I haven't heard of Eon but if it's good fantasy I might just have to read it... :)

  5. I really enjoyed Alloy of Law! And 20 Boy Summer is a great book.

  6. Funny enough, I have most of these on my shelves, too! I have actually read several of them, though. Start with ALLOY OF LAW. It's different from the other Mistborn books, but still similar, if that makes sense. I liked it a lot!

  7. I have Eon on my shelf but it's still waiting for me. Hope we both read it soon!

    My TTT

  8. I finally read Forge this past summer, and it was good! I'm a book hoarder as well. And a new GFC follower!
    Check out My Top 10

  9. Okay...stop! Do NOT add another book to my list. BUT...you can come and visit some of these on MY shelves. On the other hand, maybe you would find some new temptations. I have plenty!!

    I look at my shelves as shelves of possibilities. I can never say that I don't have anything to read. (Grins!)

  10. Eona should have made my list too. I'm kind of embarrassed how long it has sat on my shelf. Maybe we should make a pact to read it this year.

    1. Jenny: I was just saying the same thing about a book on YOUR list! (comment was eaten, I'll try again...)

  11. FORGE has been sitting on my shelves since I finished CHAINS too. I really liked CHAINS, so I'm not sure why I haven't jumped on it.

    I'm guessing you'll like FIRST LIGHT, but it's one you'll probably want to wait to be in the mood for.

    And I have both Octavian books on my shelf waiting to be read, so you're ahead of me!
